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About Database Table data instances


When initially installed, V6.3 contains around 110 database table (Data-Admin-DB-Table) data instances, linked to about 105 database tables and 7 views in the PegaRULES database.

For example, the database table instance named Data-Admin-Operator-ID is linked to the pr_operators relational table. The database table instance named Data-Admin- references a different relational table pr_data, a catch-all table that contains rows for instances of concrete classes derived from Data- that are not contained in other tables.

This table lists the PegaRULES database tables and an example of a concrete class that maps to that table. No classes are initially mapped to the pr_other table, the default catch-all table for instances of classes not explicitly mapped.

To see the databases, database tables, and database indexes in your system, and the schema changes that have occurred, select Pega button> System > Database > Schema Change Tracking.

  Assign- database table mappings

  Data- database table mappings

  History- database table mappings

  Index- database table mappings

  Link- database table mappings

  Log- database table mappings

  Pega database table mappings

  Rule- database table mappings

  System- database table mappings

  Work- and miscellaneous tables

Related topics Working with the PegaRULES database
Working with the PegaRULES database — Common data management tasks
Working with the PegaRULES database — Schema changes

UpAbout Database Table data instances
Up Atlas — Initial Data Instances