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About Access When rules

These examples of standard access when rules illustrate the range of uses for this rule type.



Assign-.CanPerform Supports the user role PegaRULES:User4. Always true; found by rule resolution when no lower rule is found earlier.
Assign-Worklist.CanPerform Supports the user role PegaRULES:User4. True if the assignment appears on the worklist of the current operator.
Assign-Workbasket.CanPerform Supports the user role PegaRULES:User4. True if the operator holds at least one of the roles associated with the workbasket.
Work-.AssignedToMe Supports the limited user role PegaRULES:User1. True if the work item includes an assignment on this operator's worklist, or the work item was last updated by this operator.
Data-Admin-Operator-ID.CanAccessSelf Allows operators to open their own Operator ID instance (for review only).
Link-Attachment.CanDeleteAttachments Determine whether the current user has permission to delete the attachment.

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