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About Declare Index rules

The system includes a few standard Declare Index rules, including these:




Rule-.RuleReference Computes the cross-reference data supporting referencing rules, creating or deleting instances of the Index-Reference class. referencing rules
Rule-.Warnings Supports processing and reporting by the Guardrails landing page for an application, associating warnings with rules. Guardrails landing page
Rule-.IndexCustomFields Supports searches and reporting on custom fields associated with individual rules, creating or deleting instances of the Index-CustomFields class. custom fields
Rule-Obj-Flow.AddWorkProcesses Links covered work items and the covering work item, by creating or deleting instances of the Index-FlowRef class. (The Index-FlowRef class, its rules and objects are not visible from the Class Explorer tool.) See cover. cover
Rule-Obj-Flow.Privileges Associates privileges with flows that require them. Creates and deletes instances of the Index-PrivilegeSecurity class.  
Work-.PartyURI Creates an index instance in the Index-WorkPartyURI class for each Work Party present in any work item, from information in concrete subclasses of Data-Party. work party

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