Pega Survey category — Group Builder tab
Survey Management
Group Builder
The Survey Management landing page is part of the PegaSurvey framework. This page is available to those having access to the PegaSurvey RuleSet. See Understanding surveys.
The Group Builder tab lets you create new survey groups and manage existing ones. Survey groups are series of surveys that typically are used together. You can insert a survey group in a flow so its surveys run one after another, simplifying the work of deploying multiple surveys. See How to include a survey in a flow.
Survey groups can contain surveys and flows that are called before or after a certain survey runs. A survey group must contain at least one survey.
At the top of the form, select one of the three radio buttons: New (the default), Update Existing, or Copy.
Create a new survey group
- Select the New radio button.
- Provide basic survey group information in the fields that appear:
- Survey Group - Provide a name for the group.
- Applies To — Select the class the survey group applies to.
- RuleSet — Select the RuleSet to save the group in.
- Version — Select the RuleSet version to save the group in.
- Description — Provide a description for the group.
- Click the Add Group button(the containers in a survey group are also called groups). In the Add Group form that appears, select Survey or Custom Process.
- Survey
- Provide a name for the group.
- Add a row for each survey you want to include, and select the survey from the options that appear. Note: the surveys appear in at runtime the order in which they are listed here.
- Click OK to create the group, or Cancel to close the form without saving your changes.
- Custom Process -
- Name the custom process group.
- select a process from the options available. You can only add one process.
- Click OK to create the group, or Cancel to close the form without saving your changes.
If the new group does not appear in the survey group's tree grid, click the Refresh button. When you are done adding groups, click Create to create the survey group.
Update an existing survey group
- Select the Update Existing radio button.
- Select the Applies To class that contains the survey group to update.
- Select the survey group to update from the list offered.
- When the survey group form appears, edit its fields following the description for creating a new survey group, above.
Copy an existing survey group
- Select the Copy radio button.
- Select the Applies To class the survey group to copy.
- Select the survey group to copy from the list offered.
- Click the Save As button and, in the form that appears, specify where to save the copy. You can add a description of the survey group.
You can create and update survey group rules directly in the Designer Studio; see About Survey Group rules. However, Pega recommends using the controls in the landing page as they facilitate managing your survey groups.
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