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C-2176? V51 CLINB Certain dynamic system settings instances are created as your system runs to record the status or outcome of once-only processing activities. The form is available so that you can review or update these data instances when required.

Other Dynamic System settings are created manually, directly from the rule form, by system administrators.

NoteDon't confuse dynamic system settings data instances with system settings rules (Rule-Admin-System-Settings rule type). Although both classes are associated with a RuleSet, dynamic system settings are not rules.

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Some dynamic systems settings are created automatically by internal processing. You can add more, and can update both automatically generated and custom settings.

CautionDo not delete or rename system-created dynamic systems settings instances except as advised by Pegasystems Global Support staff.


The Data-Admin-System-Settings class contains system settings data instances. They are part of the SysAdmin category.

Associated RuleSet

When you save a system settings data instance, if the Associated RuleSet is [none], the system completes this field with a RuleSet from the current application. This association assists with application packaging. You can update the associated RuleSet using the field in the upper right corner of the form. See Identifying parts of rule and data forms.

If there is no RuleSet associated with the data instance (for example, for existing instances not previously associated with a RuleSet), the Associated RuleSet displays [none].

Definition prconfig settings
Topic How to create or update a prconfig setting
Initial data instances Atlas — Initial Dynamic System Settings data instances

SysAdmin category
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