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Your system can include more than one Data-Admin-System instance. However, only one is in current use, identified by the Identification/SystemName value in the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings. You can determine the current system name by examining the clipboard value pxProcess.pxAdminSystem.pxSystemName on the Process page.

For systems initially installed with Version 5.X, the default system ID is pega. For systems initially installed with Version 6.X, you can choose a system name during installation.

You can change the system name after installation. A landing page tab is available to guide you through the steps. Select > System > Setting > System Name to access this landing page tab.

The system ID prpc is reserved for special situations.

OldFor systems installed with Version 4., the default system name is wfe for Work Flow Engine.

Definitions node, System ID
Related topics Multinode clusters — Concepts and terms
Systems category — Setting landing page

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