A rule form allows you to review, add or update rules and data instances in their application.
In early releases of PRPC, all rule forms were defined by the Form Builder tool as Form rules; instances of the Rule-File-Form rule type. Starting with PRPC 7, all rule forms are migrating from Form to Harness. This product wide initiative brings the following benefits:
When using a supported version of IE, Harness-based rules open directly in the Designer Studio while Form-based rules open in a new window. Internet Explorer supports all record types.
When using a supported version of a non-IE browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) Form-based rules display the following warning message: "This rule form is currently only compatible with Internet Explorer". Harness-based rules continue to open directly in the Designer Studio, except as noted below.
A few record types have been converted to Harness but are not yet fully standards-compliant. As such, they open in a new window and are only available when using supported versions of IE. These forms are expected to be upgraded for cross-browser compliance in the next major PRPC release:
Record Category |
Common Name |
Obj Class |
Process |
Correspondence Fragment Correspondence |
Rule-Corr-Fragment Rule-Obj-Corr |
User Interface |
Paragraph |
Rule-HTML-Paragraph |
The following non-deprecated record types are slated for conversion over the course of the next major PRPC release:
Record Category |
Common Name |
Obj Class |
Data Model |
Property Alias Property Qualifier |
Rule-Obj-Property-Alias Rule-Obj-Property-Qualifier |
Decision |
Constraints Decision Tree Map Value |
Rule-Declare-Constraints Rule-Declare-DecisionTree Rule-Obj-MapValue |
Integration-Connectors |
Connect EJB Connect File Connect HTTP Connect JCA Connect JMS Connect Java Connect MQ Connect SAP Connect SAPJCo Connect SOAP Connect SQL Connect dotNet |
Rule-Connect-EJB Rule-Connect-File Rule-Connect-HTTP Rule-Connect-JCA Rule-Connect-JMS Rule-Connect-Java Rule-Connect-MQ Rule-Connect-SAP Rule-Connect-SAPJCo Rule-Connect-SOAP Rule-Connect-SQL Rule-Connect-dotNet |
Integration-Mapping |
EForm File Map Structured Map eForm XML Stream Parse Delimited Parse Structured Parse XML |
Rule-File-eForm Rule-Map-Structured Rule-Map-eForm Rule-Obj-XML Rule-Parse-Delimited Rule-Parse-Structured Rule-Parse-XML |
Integration-Resources |
JCA Resource Adapter JMS Listener JMS MDB Listener JNDI Server Service Package |
Data-Admin-Connect-JCAAdapter Data-Admin-Connect-JMSListener Data-Admin-Connect-JMSMDBListener Data-Admin-Connect-JNDIServer Data-Admin-ServicePackage |
Integration-Services |
Service EJB Service Email Service File Service HTTP Service JMS Service JSR94 Service Java Service MQ Service Portlet Service SAP Service SAPJCo Service SOAP Service dotNet |
Rule-Service-EJB Rule-Service-Email Rule-Service-File Rule-Service-HTTP Rule-Service-JMS Rule-Service-JSR94 Rule-Service-Java Rule-Service-MQ Rule-Service-Portlet Rule-Service-SAP Rule-Service-SAPJCo Rule-Service-SOAP Rule-Service-dotNet |
Reports |
List View Summary View |
Rule-Obj-ListView Rule-Obj-SummaryView |
Security |
Keystore |
Data-Admin-Security-Keystore |
SysAdmin |
Authentication Service Requestor Type COS Server SpellChecker Properties Product Patch Agents Test Case Flow Marker Unit Test Suite Form Excel Template Word Template |
Data-Admin-AuthService Data-Admin-Requestor Data-COS-Admin-Server Data-SpellChecker-Properties Rule-Admin-Product-Patch Rule-Agent-Queue Rule-AutoTest-Case Rule-AutoTest-Case-FlowMarker Rule-AutoTest-Suite Rule-File-Form Rule-Template-Excel Rule-Template-Word |
Technical |
Image Content Data VER base Function Alias JSP List |
Data-Content-Image Data-VER-Registry Rule-Alias-Function Rule-Obj-JSP Rule-Obj-List |
If you define your own custom record types, you can verify if they are Form or Harness based by performing the following:
![]() |
harness |
![]() |
Rules by Form Name
Identifying parts of rule and data forms About Harnesses About Form rules |