Back Forward How to report on rules of more than one type with Data-Rule-Summary

The need

Your system contains thousands of rules. List view or summary view rules that require searching through all instances of the classes derived from the Rule- base class, or even all instances of the Rule-Service- class, may be costly and slow.

In many cases, the database view corresponding to the Data-Rule-Summary class can provide faster and simpler reporting. Define a report definition, list view rule, or summary view rule with Data-Rule-Summary as the Applies To key part.

Exposed columns

The following properties correspond to exposed columns of the PegaRULES database view that corresponds to the Data-Rule-Summary class:



pyRuleSet RuleSet
pyRuleSetVersion Version, not defined for a few rule types.
pxInsID All key parts in uppercase concatenated with a single ! character as separator, but excluding any initial Applies To key part.
pyClass Rule type, for example Rule-HTML-Property.
pxUpdateOperator Operator ID of the user who most recently saved this rule.
pyRuleAvailable Availability, one of the five values Yes, No, Blocked, Withdrawn or Final.
pyInterface A means for grouping related rules. Blank in most cases.
pyLabel Short Description
pyRuleName All key parts concatenated with a single space character as separator, but excluding any initial Applies To key part.
pyClassName Applies To key part, for those rule types in which it is present.

Your report can present additional properties, but properties not listed in the table cannot be used as selection criteria.


As initially installed, the Data-Rule-Summary class corresponds to the pr4_rule_vw view in the PegaRULES database.

To report on checked-out rules, create a list view or summary view rule with Data-Rule-Locking as the Applies To class. Create this rule using the list view or summary view rule form; you can't use the Report wizard for this.

Definitions available rule, view
Related topics Working with the PegaRULES database — Views and Indexes
Application category — Inventory page

UpReports category