![]() |
On the Action tab, specify the action to be performed when the node is selected at run-time; for example, when a user clicks a menu item. This tab displays when Item
, Item List
or Selected Item
are selected in the Type list on the Node Details dialog.
Click the plus sign to specify an action associated with the node. This opens the Behavior dialog, which contains a column for the Event, Action, and a diamond-shaped condition icon (
). Conditions do not apply to actions; they apply to the entire node.
To define the node's behavior, click the add row icon . Your choices populate the grid row. After you have completed the dialog, click OK to apply your edits and close the dialog.
If you define more than one click event for a node, the actions are executed from the top down as displayed in the list; the inherited actions (the ones in the rule) execute first. All processing effects of an action in the list will complete before the next action starts. For example, assume a
Display > Set Value
action is followed by a Launch > Local Action
. When the user clicks the button, the Set Value
action also triggers a Post Value
action (set in a the Behavior field on a Cell Properties panel) and recalculation of an expression. After all processing is completed, the system starts Local Action.
Action Category | Mobile Action Name |
Process Work |
Show Flow Location Add New Work (from New or Create harness) |
Get Work |
Create Work Open Assignment Open Work by Handle |
Display |
Refresh section |
Launch |
Harness- Target value of Local Action - Target value of Modal Dialog or Overlay are supported. Using Page is supported. |
Advanced |
Run Activity Run Data Transform Run Script |
If the navigation rule is Type
, a subset of the actions is available. Actions that appear for a Mobile
application are summarized in this table and indicated in the sections below.
Mobile applications support one action per node. Only the first action is executed. Any additional defined actions are ignored.
Certain actions (such as Create Work, Open Assignment, Launch Harness, and Run Script) that display user interface features do not run on a phone device when specified on a node with children. These actions require that the main navigation and content panels appear simultaneously which is not possible on a phone. Therefore, as a best practice, implement these actions on child nodes. If placed on a parent node, they should be optional actions, not critical to work item processing.
Run Activity and Run Data Transform can be run on a node that has children.
Add New Work
Field |
Description |
Action | Add New Work. Adds a new work item using the primary page data. Saves the new work item on the deferred list. See Controls form — Completing the Controls tab for a full description of this action. |
Perform Action
Field |
Description |
Action | Perform Action. Submits the flow action and completes the assignment if either is true:
Flow Action | Select the Name key part of a flow action. |
Show Flow Location
Field |
Description |
Action | Show Flow Location. Appears only when the navigation rule is Type Mobile. Implements the Where-Am-I? feature, so users can view the work object location in a flow. |
View Attachments
Field |
Description |
Action | View Attachments. Presents a list of work item attachments, so users can view or add attachments. The button is visible only for users who hold the Work-.AccessAuditTrail privilege. See Controls form — Completing the Controls tab for a full description of this action. |
View History
Field |
Description |
Action | View History. Displays the work item history, for users who hold the Work-.AccessAuditTrail privilege. |
Create Work
Field |
Description |
Action | Create Work. Appears when the navigation rule is Type Mobile or Standard . Creates a new covered or non-covered work item. Called with a primary page that inherits from the Work- base class. Commits the new work item if there is no flow execution to start; if it starts a flow execution, the commit operation typically occurs when that flow execution creates an assignment. |
Class Name | Select the class that contains the flow you wish to start. |
Flow Name | Select the flow to start when this node is selected. |
Get Next Work
Field |
Description |
Action | Get Next Work. Returns the next assignment for the operator to work on. This assignment can either come from the operator's worklist or from one of the workbaskets they have access to. |
Open Assignment
Field |
Description |
Action |
Open Assignment. Appears when the navigation rule is Type |
Key |
Enter the key of the assignment you wish to open. |
Open Work by Handle
Field |
Description |
Action | Open Work by Handle. Appears when the navigation rule is Type Mobile or Standard . Opens work based upon the internal key that uniquely identifies the instance. |
Handle | Specify the handle of a work item, beginning with the class name. |
Open Work Item
Field |
Description |
Action | Open Work Item. Opens work based upon the work item ID. Specify the full ID of the work item. |
ID | Specify the full ID of the work item. |
Use these actions only when acting upon repeating layouts.
Add Child
Field |
Description |
Action | Add Child. Adds a child item beneath the selected row or branch or in a repeating grid or tree. |
Add Item
Field |
Description |
Action | Add Item. Adds (above or below) a row to a layout. |
Position | Select Above or Below. |
Delete Item
Field |
Description |
Action | Delete Item. Deletes a row in a layout. |
Edit Item
Field |
Description |
Action | Enables edit of the selected item in the layout. Not available if the repeating layout Edit Mode is Read Only . |
Open Local Action
Field |
Description |
Action | Open Local Action. Displays the flow action you specify. |
Flow Action | ![]() |
After Action |
Select Select |
Open Selected Item
Field |
Description |
Action | Open Selected Item. Opens the item selected in the layout. |
Refresh List
Field |
Description |
Action | Refreshes the content of the repeating grid or tree based on data in the clipboard. Maintains the current page, filter, or sort. |
Set Focus
Field |
Description |
Action | Set Focus. Sets the cursor focus to the Current Item , Next Item , or Previous Item in the repeating layout.
Refresh Section
Field |
Description |
Action |
Refresh Section. Commits the contents of the section that contains the button or another section that you specify. |
Target |
Select the section to be refreshed as a result of clicking the item. Select either |
Using Page |
Available when |
Section |
Available when |
Data Transform |
Optional. Parameters listed on the Data Transform form's Parameters tab appear beneath this field. Optionally, enter the values you want pass to the data transform. |
Activity |
Optional. Parameters listed on the Activity rule form's Parameters tab appear beneath the field. Optionally, enter the values you want pass to the activity. |
Set Value
Field |
Description |
Action | Set Value. Sets a target property to the source value. You can configure multiple properties and values. The source property can be editable or read-only. |
Property | ![]() For .myList(15) If you want to set a value from within a row in a repeating grid to an editable control outside of the grid, provide the full path to the property, beginning with the parent page, and represent it on the Pages & Classes tab of the layout containing the repeating grid. |
Value |
Click the add row icon |
Set Focus
Field |
Description |
Action | Set Focus. Sets the cursor focus to an editable control that is bound to a property or to a specific row in a grid, tree, or tree grid. |
Target |
.propertyName .PageList.propertyName If you want to set focus from within a row in a repeating grid to an editable control outside of the grid, provide the full path to the property, beginning with the parent page, and represent it on the Pages & Classes tab of the layout containing the repeating grid. |
Flow in Modal Dialog
Field |
Description |
Action |
Flow in Modal Dialog. Allows a user to start a flow in a user form and run the process in a modal dialog. The user cannot continue work in the main user form until the modal dialog closes. See Controls form — Completing the Controls tab for a full description of this action. |
Using Page |
Optional. By default, the flow runs on the primary page pyWorkPage. If you want to run the flow in the context of an included section that is using either an embedded page (such as .pyWorkParty(Originator) or another top-level page, enter a Parameters listed on the Flow rule form's Parameters tab appear beneath this field. Optionally, specify values to pass to the flow. |
Flow Name |
Enter the second key part of a flow rule. |
Field |
Description |
Action | Harness. Appears when the navigation rule is Type Mobile or Standard . Replaces an open harness or displays a new one. |
Target | Specify the target location where the specified harness displays as a result of clicking the item. Select:
Tab Name |
Available for This feature is not supported in a Mobile portal. |
Class |
Available for a |
Harness |
![]() |
Read Only |
Select This feature is not supported in a Mobile portal. |
Use Non-Mobile Harness |
Appears only when the navigation rule is Type If you have a harness circumstanced for a mobile application, and a non-circumstanced harness by the same name, the mobile version of the harness is used. |
Submit Current |
Available for a target of This feature is not supported in a Mobile portal. Any displayed or edited data in the open Harness is lost when the new Harness loads. |
Window Name |
Available if |
Window Width |
Available if In a Mobile portal, you can use this field to specify the width of overlays (such as Attachments) on tablet devices. |
Window Height |
Available if In a Mobile portal, you can use this field to specify the height of overlays (such as Attachments) on tablet devices. |
Key |
Optional. Available for a |
Data Transform |
Optional. Parameters listed on the Data Transform form's Parameters tab appear beneath the field. Optionally enter the values you want pass to the data transform. |
Activity |
Optional. Parameters listed on the Activity rule form's Parameters tab appear beneath the field. Optionally, enter the values you want pass to the activity. |
Landing Page
The Landing Page
choice is only applicable in portals defined with the Developer
role (for example the Developer or BusinessAnalyst portal rules). The Open Landing Page
choice does not apply when the navigation rule is used in portals defined with the User
role. See About Portal rules.
Field |
Description |
Action | Choose Display to open a landing page for display, or CreateNewWork to create a new work item based on a landing page. |
Name | Enter a unique name for the landing page. Attempting to open a landing page while a landing page with the same Name value is open will result in the new landing page overriding the tab in which the already open landing page was displayed. |
Class |
Harness Name | Applicable when Action is set to Display : Select the harness that the landing page is built on. |
Data Transform | Applicable when Action is set to Display : Select the data transform used to generate initial values for the landing page. |
Page | Applicable when Action is set to Display : Specify an existing page. |
Read Only | Applicable when Action is set to Display : Select to display a read-only harness. |
Flow Name | Applicable when Action is set to CreateNewWork : Specify the name of the flow used to create new work. |
Level A | Enter a value to work with a when condition defined to open the selected item in a specified tab on the landing page. |
Level B | Enter a value to work with a when condition defined to open the selected item in a specified tab on the landing page. |
Level C | Enter a value to work with a when condition defined to open the selected item in a specified tab on the landing page. |
Parameters |
Name | Specify additional parameters to pass to the harness or flow. |
Value | Specify additional parameter values to pass to the harness or flow. |
List View
Field |
Description |
Action | Open List. Opens a list view. |
Class | Select the class of a list view to be opened. |
Purpose | Required. Select the Purpose (second key-part) of the list view to be opened from the menu. |
Action | Choose Refresh , Redisplay , or Sort . |
Header | Select to display the list view header. |
Parameters |
Name | Specify additional parameters to pass to the list view. |
Value | Specify additional parameter values to pass to the list view. |
Local Action
Field |
Description |
Action |
Local Action. For harnesses only. Allows the user to complete a local action or local & connector flow actions in a modal window or in an action section (.pyActionArea). |
Using Page |
Enter a page from the Pages & Classes tab to use when invoking the local action. |
Local Action |
Select the flow action to be triggered. |
Open in Modal Dialog |
Optionally, select Select this when the local action accepts one or more input fields Launch local action as the name suggests is for local/local & connector flow actions and it can load the local action in modal or in the action area. Perform action is similar but it is more for flow actions and it advances the flow when the flow action has no ui. The is more related to work items where as the local action can be on any data instances as well. |
Open URL in Window
Field |
Description |
Action |
Open URL In Window |
Use Alternate Domain |
Select to specify an alternate domain for the URL to open. When selected, select a URL in the Alternate Domain URL field. Use the Querystring section to specify the name and value of a query string for the alternate domain URL. |
Use Primary Page |
Select to call an activity based on the contents of the primary page when this node is selected. |
Data Transform |
Optional. Enter a Name key part of a data transform. See About Data Transforms. Parameters listed on the Data Transform form's Parameters tab appear beneath this field. Optionally, enter the values you want pass to the data transform. |
Activity |
Select an activity to return an HTML stream that will be shown in the opened window. Parameters listed on the Activity rule form's Parameters tab appear beneath the field. Optionally, enter the values you want pass to the activity. |
Window Properties |
Window Name |
Specify a text string to define the name of the opened window. |
Replace History |
Select to erase the history of the opened browser window. |
Height |
Enter a numerical value to represent the height in pixels of the opened window. |
Width |
Enter a numerical value to represent the width in pixels of the opened window. |
Top |
Enter a numerical value to represent the offset in pixels from the top of the screen. |
Left |
Enter a numerical value to represent the offset in pixels from the left of the screen. |
Resizable |
Select to enable the opened window to be resized. |
Scrollbars |
Select to enable scrollbars in the opened window. |
Location Bar |
Select to enable the location bar in the opened window. |
Menu Bar |
Select to enable the browser's menu bar in the opened window. |
Status Bar |
Select to enable the browser's status bar in the opened window. |
Tool Bar |
Select to enable the browser's tool bar in the opened window. |
Report Definition
Field |
Description |
Action | Report Definition. Executes the retrieval and sorting operations, but not the formatting and display processing, of a report definition. |
Class | Select the class for the Report Definition. |
Name | Select the name of the Report Definition. |
Field |
Description |
Action | Wizard. Launch a wizard based on the key part label and class. |
Class | Select the class of the wizard. This class name will begin with PegaAccel-. |
Wizard Label | Specify a label for the wizard. |
Parameters |
Name | Specify additional parameters to pass to the wizard. |
Value | Specify additional parameter values to pass to the wizard. |
Open Rule
Field |
Description |
Action | Open Rule. Opens a rule that takes the pzInsKey value as its parameter. |
Handle | Select a pzInsKey key value in the rule you want to open. |
Resolved By | Select Name , Handle , or Handle By Condition to specify how the rule is located. |
Handle Condition | Applicable for Handle By Condition : Select a when condition to define when a rule should be resolved by handle. |
Open Rule By Name
Field |
Description |
Action | Open Rule By Name. |
Rule Type | Select the class in which the rule is saved. |
Instance Name | Required. Select the name of the rule you wish to open. |
Open Rule By Keys
Field |
Description |
Action | Open Rule By Keys. Opens a rule by its class and the class key values. |
Rule Type Class | Specify the class that has keys defined. |
Key | Read only, based on the keys defined on the class rule form for the class selected in the Class field. |
Value | Enter the key value that pertains to the rule you wish to open. |
Run Activity
Field |
Description |
Action |
Run Activity. Appears when the navigation rule is Type |
Activity |
Required. Enter the Activity Name key part of the activity. Parameters listed on the Activity rule form's Parameters tab appear beneath this field. Optionally, enter values you want pass to the activity. |
Parameters |
Run Data Transform
Field |
Description |
Action |
Run Data Transform. Appears when the navigation rule is Type |
Page |
Select |
Name |
Appears if you select |
Data Transform |
Enter the Name key part. |
Parameters |
Run Script
Field |
Description |
Action |
Run Script. Appears when the navigation rule is Type |
Function |
Enter the clipboard property or literal reference that contains the function you wish to run. For a Mobile application, enter the name of a JavaScript function in quotes. |
Parameters |
Name |
Specify additional parameters to pass to the script function. |
Value |
Specify additional parameter values to pass to the script function. |