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Swimlane shapes

About Flows
C-1630Use Swimlanes to organize and graphically identify a related group of shapes that are performed within a specific work context (typically a work group) or business purpose. A router activity identified in the lane shape, or specified on the Routing section of the Assignment, is associated with Assignment shapes inside the lane. During processing work items are routed to the appropriate user worklist or workbasket defined by the router. See router activity.

For example, an insurance claim application has one assignment instructing operators to collect customer information, another to verify the information and calculate payments, and a third to issue payments and update financial records. You want each to have its own work group and workbasket. You create three swimlanes named CSR, Back Office, and Fulfillment, in a pool named Insurance Claim Process. Each lane has a router activity associated with the assignments within it. During flow processing, the router assigns the work item to the appropriate workbasket inside the lane.

Swimlanes are not available for screen flows.

Editing the Router Pool

Completing the Swimlane section

Definitionsdivision, organization, organization unit, owner

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