This tab contains the XML code. If Auto-Generated XML? is checked, the XML code is generated from the tree structure on the Mapping tab; you cannot edit the generated value.
If Auto-Generated XML? is cleared, enter the XML code in the XML Source field.
Field |
Description |
XML Schema | |
Schema URL |
Optional. Enter the URL of an XML Schema document to use as input for building the XML tree structure on the Mapping tab. Used only when the Auto-generated XML? option is checked. For SOAP services that reference this rule, the Schema URL value is added to the generated WSDL document as an external document import. |
Auto-Generated XML? |
Select in most cases to cause PRPC to generate the stream XML (as visible in the XML Source field) from the tree structure on the Mapping tab.
Use SOAP 1.1 Encoding? | Select to encode the generated XML using the encoding rules of Section 5 of the SOAP 1.1 protocol. If checked, attributes will be added to element tags for explicitly declaring the type of the element. Used only when the Auto-generated XML? option is checked. |
Add type attribute to root node? | Select to add an xsi:type attribute to the root element. This attribute is used to resolve substituted XML content at the service endpoint. For more information about substituted XML content, see PDN article 26003 XSD type and element substitution and the Connector and Metadata Accelerator. |
Omit Extra Space? |
Select to eliminate extra space characters in the processed HTML. This can make transmission or processing more efficient. Is does not alter the appearance of the HTML when displayed in a browser. When selected, during stream processing the way the system handles this is different for JSP streams than (deprecated) HTML streams. JSP streams replace consecutive spaces and control characters with a single space. For example:
<pega:choose> becomes:
Note: HTML Streams delete control characters appearing at the beginning of the rule definition and immediately after a directive, but otherwise behaves as JSPs. For example: << tab >>{some directive}<< tab >><< space >><< tab >>{some directive}<< space >><< space >> is converted to{some directive}<< space >>{some directive}<< space >>. HTML stream processing copies space characters within the text of a property value and non-breaking spaces ( &NBSP;) into the processed HTML without change. |
Generate For |
This field and the Convert to JSP button appear only when the rule contains directives rather than JSP tags. (The value that appears is
Convert to JSP |
This button appears only after you save the form when the Generate For value is |
XML Source |
This field is read-only unless Auto-Generated XML? is cleared. Enter XML source text. You can type directly into the text area, or you can click the pencil to open Notepad or your registered XML editor. R-4069
{ .pyLabel LITERAL } or equivalently the <pega:reference name=".pyLabel" mode="text" />