C-601 04-01 Configure the data mapping for the incoming and outgoing data for an EJB service rule on the Parameters tab.
Use the top section of the tab to specify how to map the arguments from the incoming requests to PRPC properties. Use the Return Value section of the tab to specify how the service rule constructs the response.
The data types of the incoming and outgoing values can be simple scalars (Java primitive data types), arrays of scalars, Java objects (instances of Java classes), or arrays of Java objects.
Field |
Description |
Data Type |
To specify that the data type is a Java object or Java object array, click in the field and enter the name of the appropriate Java class. For example, |
Name |
Enter the name of the external parameter. |
Map To |
Map To Key |
Field |
Description |
Return Value | |
Data Type |
Map From |
Map From Key |
The value that you specify in this field depends on the option you selected in the Map From field: