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Use the Access Role Editor to define or update up to four interrelated rules through a single facility:

The editor provides a unified approach to creating and updating the rule forms directly. The results are the same.

Starting the Access Role Editor

  1. Select Pega Button > Org & Security > Tools >Security > Role Names to view a list of all access roles in your system.
  2. Click the access role name of interest to start the Access Role Editor.

Creating a new access role

To create a new access role and optionally add rules that reference the new access role:

  1. Start the Access Role Editor.
  2. Click  New.
  3. Enter a role name in the form RuleSetName:RoleName. Choose a name that is unique system-wide.
  4. Enter a text description in the Description field.
  5. Choose a RuleSet and Version for all the rules to be created.
  6. Click  Create.

Updating an existing access role

To change the capabilities recorded in Access of Role to Object rules for one access role:

  1. Start the Access Role Editor.
  2. Select the role name from the list.
  3. Click the help button (Help) for additional guidance.

You can update only the access roles that belong to RuleSets that appear on your RuleSet list.

Related topics About Access Role rules
About Access of Role to Object rules

About Privilege rules

About Settings rules
Standard rules Atlas — Standard Access Role rules

UpTools — Organization and Security