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About Access When rules

These examples of standard access when rules illustrate the range of uses for this rule type.



Assign-.canPerform Always true; found by rule resolution when no lower rule is found earlier.

True if either of the following is true:

  • the assignment appears on the worklist of the current operator
  • the Perform privilege is granted on the work type. Use Access Manager to grant the Perform privilege.
Assign-Workbasket.CanPerform True if the operator holds at least one of the roles associated with the workbasket.
Work-.AssignedToMe Supports the limited user role PegaRULES:User1. True if the work item includes an assignment on this operator's worklist, or the work item was last updated by this operator.
Data-Admin-Operator-ID.CanAccessSelf Allows operators to open their own Operator ID instance (for review only).
Link-Attachment.CanDeleteAttachments Determine whether the current user has permission to delete the attachment.

The following standard Access-When rules authorize users to perform assignments in worklists. Intended for use in Access Manager, they provide flexibility to perform assignments within an organizational structure. Use these Access-When rules in Access Manager to allow operators with the role to perform work assigned to others in their organization.

An operator's organizational and reporting structure is shown on the Work Settings tab of the Data-Admin-Operator-ID rule form.

In Access Manager, select this When condition

To enable operators with this role to perform assignments when...

Work-.pxAssignedToMyUnit The work item is assigned to the current operator's unit.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyUnitStaffManager The work item is assigned to the current operator's unit Staff Manager.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyUnitCostCenterManager The work item is assigned to the current operator's unit Cost Center Manager.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyDivision The work item is assigned to the current operator's division
Work-.pxAssignedToMyDivisionCostCenterManager The work item is assigned to the current operator's division Cost Center Manager.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyOrganization The work item is assigned to the current operator's organization.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyOrganizationCFO The work item is assigned to the current operator's organization CFO.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyDirectStaff The work item is assigned to an operator that reports to the current operator.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyManager The work item is assigned to the current operator's manager.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyWorkGroupManager The work item is assigned to the current operator's work group manager.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyWorkGroup The work item is assigned to the current operator's work group.
Work-.pxAssignedToMyStaff The work item is assigned to an operator under the reporting chain of the current operator.

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