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About Property Qualifier rules

R-5087 VANDC Your system contains five standard property qualifier rules (Rule-Obj-Property-Qualifier rule type), all in the ultimate base class @baseclass.



pyBinaryFile KARAF Reserved. Do not use this qualifier.
pyCurrency When associated with a Single Value property with Type of Text, restricts the values of the property to valid currency codes.
pyDecimalPrecision When associated with a Single Value, Value List or Value Group property with Type of Decimal, identifies the number of places after the decimal point for the decimal value. TURBT 4/22/03 also B-22504 and B-20973
pyUnits When associated with a property rule, identifies the measurement units for the property value. You can use this qualifier with a Single Value property that has a Type of Integer or Decimal. The Qualifier tab must reference another Single Value property with Type of Identifier, in the same Applies To class.
pyMinimumLength When associated with a property rule, defines a minimum length (in bytes) for the property value. You can use this qualifier only with a property of mode Single Value, Value List or Value Group. B-17179 You can use the standard Edit Validate rule pyMinimumLength-Enforce to compare the current property value with the Maximum Length value in the property definition.

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