Data Flows landing page
Access this landing page by selecting the
> Decisioning > Decisions > Data Flows menu item. This landing page provides the facilities for managing the data flows used in your application.
Available in applications that have access to the Decision Management rule sets through Application Rulesets or PegaDM as Built on Application.
Data Flows tab
Use these facilities to view the data flows in your application and create a new data flow run.
- Name: data flow instance name.
- Applies to: class the data flow instance belongs to.
- Updated and Updated by: the period of time elapsed since the last update to the data flow instance and the operator name.
- Action: create a data flow run. This action results in launching the New: Decision Data Flow Work Item form already configured with the applies to class and the name of the data flow.
Runs tab
A data flow run consists of executing an a data flow instance. Running data flows is done through work items stored in pc_work_dsm_batch. The Rule-Obj-Class of these work items is Pega-DM-DDF-Work.
Use these facilities to create new data flow runs and manage existing ones.
- ID: work item ID.
- Data flow: name of the data flow instance.
- Updated and Updated by: the period of time elapsed since the last update to the data flow run and the operator name.
- Status: status of the data flow run.
Click New to create a data flow run:
- Name: data flow instance name.
- Applies to: class the data flow instance belongs to.
- Distribute run across different nodes: enable distributing the run across DNodes. You can only select this setting if the destination data set defines a partition key.
- Click Create to create and open the work item.
- The status of these work items starts as new.
- You can click Start to directly run the data flow, in which case the work item status changes to in progress. Once it finishes, the status changes to completed.
- You can also skip starting the run by clicking Close.
- Every work item displays progress and result statistics (number of processed records, time and duration details, and status).
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