Process and Rules Tools landing page menu |
Use Process and Rules Tools to display your worklist, find rules, find work items, or find assignments that require special processing. The following tools are available when you select the > Process & Rules > Tools menu item:
Find Rules | Allows you to quickly locate and inspect rules in the system based on filter criteria. |
Find Rules By Custom Field | Generates a report of rules with custom fields defined. |
Work Admin | |
Allows developers to list and fix problem assignments — assignments that operators are unable to perform because of integrity issues. By default, these are routed to a designated worklist. See Working with the Assignments with Errors Report. |
Work Admin > Workbasket Assignment Errors |
Allows developers to list and rectify problem assignments — assignments that operators are unable to perform because of integrity issues. By default, these are routed to a designated worklist but your application may route such assignments to a workbasket. See Working with the Assignments with Errors Report. |
Lists work items in the current work pool that are suspended and may be under Policy Override review. Understanding suspended work items and policy overrides. |
Work Admin > Suspended Work Assignments |
Lists assignments for suspended work items (in any work pool), which may be under Policy Override review. Understanding suspended work items and policy overrides. |
Lists locks held by your current requestor session. Locks held by other sessions are not shown. See Understanding object locking. |
Work Admin > All Locks |
Presents a list of requestor sessions that hold one or more locks, identified by IP address or server name. Click a row to identify details of the requestor session holding them, including an object identifier and an operator name when available. See Understanding object locking. |
Work Admin > External Assignments |
Presents a summary of outstanding external assignments created through the Directed Web Access feature. Drill down to learn about the assignments. |
Work Admin > Broken Queue Items |
Lists agent queue items (instances of the System-Queue-DefaultEntry class or another System-Queue- class) in your application that have exceeded the value specified in MaxAttempts. The value of pyItemStatus for these items starts with the text string "Broken-". Also allows you to select items to requeue or delete. See Queue-for-Agent method. |
My Work | |
My Work > My Worklist |
Presents your worklist. Depending on a personal preference, the worklist appears in a pop-up window in the Designer Studio workspace, or in a separate portal window (and separate Thread). Set the Run Process in values (portal, skin, and window type) in the General preferences group as needed. |
My Work > Work Entered by Me |
Presents a report listing work items of any type that you entered today. Change the selection criteria to cover a different starting date or Operator ID. |
My Work > Work Associated with Me by Party |
Presents a report listing work items of any work type in which your Operator ID appears as a work party. |
My Work > Work Resolved by Me Recently |
Presents a report listing work items of any type that you resolved today. Change the selection criteria to cover a different starting date or Operator ID. |
My Work > Work by Workbasket |
Lists assignments in a single workbasket. The default workbasket is |