
Back Forward Designer Studio — Using Search

The Designer Studio provides full-text search for non-deprecated rules, data objects and the help system. You can search help system topics at any time. Searching for rules or data depends on system-maintained index files.


Performing a Search

To start a search:


Viewing matches

Matching results are organized by record type and then by name. Each result in the list may identify one or more rule versions with the same name: 


Filtering results

Use the following drop-down lists to control how results are displayed:




Result type

RulesOnly return instances of classes derived from the Rule– base class.
DataOnly return instances of classes derived from the Data– base class.
Rules and DataReturn results for all record types.
Help TopicsOnly return topics available in the Pega 7 Help System.

Search Type

NameEvaluate the pyRuleName property for Rule– instances, the pxInsName for Data– instances, and Help topic titles when looking for a match.
All ContentIn addition to record names and help topic titles, evaluate record data (XML) and bodies of help topics when looking for match.
Match CriteriaContainsReturn results based on words that match any part of for the entered term(s), including in the middle of words.
Starts WithReturn results based on words that begin with the entered term(s).
Exact MatchReturn results based on words that exactly match the entered term(s).
ScopeMy Current ApplicationOnly evaluate records in your current application when looking for a match.
All ApplicationsEvaluate records in your entire application stack when looking for a match.



Viewing all results

The initial results display the highest ranked matches, up to 50 results. Click Show all results in new window to open the list of all matches in a new window. Records are organized by type, name, and class.


Advanced Searches

The search capability is implemented using robust, fault-tolerant Elasticsearch technology for use in distributed environments. Elasticsearch will detect and remove failed nodes in a cluster, automatically replicating and reorganizing nodes as needed.

To take advantage of Elasticsearch distributed architecture, multiple nodes should be configured to host Elasticsearch index files. See System Settings — Search tab for configuration settings.

The search terms entered are converted into the appropriate Elasticsearch query syntax based on the search method chosen.  You can enter more advanced Elasticsearch query syntax to perform complex searches.

Note the following general rules applied to searches:

Entered Text

Search Method

Syntax Sent To Elasticsearch

Match Returned If...

abcExact MatchabcExact word abc exists in searched text.
abcStarts Withabc*One or more words beginning with abc exist in searched text.
abcContains*abc*One or more words containing abc exist in searched text.
abc defExact Matchabc defExact phraseabc def exists in searched text.
abc defStarts Withabc def*One or more phrases starting with the exact word abc followed by a word starting with def exists in searched text.
abc defContains*abc def*The string abc def exists anywhere in searched text.
“abc:01-01-01”Anyabc:01-01-01Exact wordabc:01-01-01 exists in searched text.
abc\:defExact Matchabc\:defExact wordabc:01-01-01 exists in searched text.
abc\:defStarts Withabc\:def*One or more words beginning with abc:def exist in searched text.
abc\:defContains*abc\:def*One or more words containing abc:def exists in searched text.
abc OR defExact Matchabc OR defEither the exact word abcor the exact word def exists in searched text.
abc* OR *def*Exact Matchabc* OR *def*Either one or more words beginning with abcor one or more words containing def exists in searched text.
abc AND defExact Matchabc AND defBoth the exact word abcand the exact word def exists in searched text.
abc AND defExact Matchabc* AND def*Both one or more words beginning with abcand one or more words beginning with def exists in searched text.
(+abc* *def*) NOT ghi*Any(+abc* *def*) NOT ghi*One or more words starting with abc exists in searched text, the string def may also exist anywhere within the searched text, and no words starting with ghi exist in the searched text.


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Designer Studio — Setting your preferences

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