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Concepts and terms

A page is a data structure that holds name-value pairs. Most pages are named; the names of pages may arise from any of four sources:

Valid page names

A page name can contain only letters, digits, and the underscore character. Start the page name with a letter.

Several keywordA word that, in certain circumstances, has a specific meaning to PRPC. Keywords are sometimes called "reserved words."s identify elements in specific PRPC operations. Using keywords as a page name is not recommended: param, local, locate, primary, steppage, mysteppage, top, parent, or current.

CautionDon't use any of the following names or patterns as a page name, where asterisk indicates one or more characters: pxNode, pxRequestor, pxThread, LISTVIEW_*, locate* prompt*, $*, px*, pz*, or py*.

Special page name prefixes

You can't use certain prefixes and keywords as page names, as they have a special meaning:

The prefixes D_ and Declare_ in a page name indicates a data page, a page that is created and updated only by Data Page rules. The properties on this page are "read-only" to normal requestor processing. To avoid confusion with such pages , don't create pages named Declare_zzzzz or D_zzzzz in other processing.

Except as noted, case is not significant in keywords: Param.Country, PARAM.Country and param.Country all reference the same value.

Page names used by convention

Many standard activities and other standard rules use these page names by convention. To utilize these standard rules, follow these naming conventions in the rules you create.

Page Name



When a single assignment object is open on the clipboard, the page is named NewAssignPage. If your application involves multiple work items (or multiple assignments) on the clipboard, you can use other names.


By convention in standard flow processing activities, when a single cover work item is opened onto the clipboard, the page is named pyCoverPage.


Created by Process Engine API activities.


By convention in standard flow processing activities, when a single (non-cover) work item is opened onto the clipboard, the page is named pyWorkPage.


Created during unit testing of a rule with the Run toolbar button. The class of this page matches the rule type. See Unit testing a rule with the Run toolbar button.

System-created pages

These top-level pages are present in the clipboard of every authenticated requestor:

Page Name


Process page pxProcess

A named page of class Code-Pega-Process containing system-wide information, such as information from the Data-Admin-System instance.

Requestor page

A named page of class Code-Pega-Requestor. Created at log in and contains information about your access roles, RuleSet list, and TCP and HTTP protocol parameters.

thread page

A named page of class Code-Pega-Thread, identifies a named context of clipboard pages. The first Thread for a requestor is named STANDARD.


Contains information from the requestor's current access group (Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup class). This page does not exist for guest (unauthenticated) users.


Contains information from the requestor's organization (Data-Admin-Organization class). This page does not exist for guest (unauthenticated) users. This page does not exist for guest (unauthenticated) users.


Contains information from the requestor's organization (Data-Admin-Organization class). This page does not exist for guest (unauthenticated) users.


Contains information from the requestor's Operator ID (Data-Admin-Operator-ID class). This page does not exist for guest (unauthenticated) users.


Page Name



Produced by execution of a list rule (Rule-Obj-List rule type).

Definitions clipboard, data page, embedded page, indirect page, Process Engine API, process page, requestor page, thread page
Related topics Data Model class — Clipboard Pages landing page
About Property rules
About the Clipboard tool
Standard rules Atlas — Standard properties on the pxProcess page (Code-Pega-Process class)
Atlas — Standard properties on the pxRequestor page (Code-Pega-Requestor class)
Atlas — Standard properties on the pxThread page (Code-Pega-Thread class)