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The Authentication Service feature enables you to override the default authentication process. Use an authentication service when you want to configure PRPC to do one of the following:

Complete one of these steps when using this feature:

  1. Create an authentication service data instance that identifies activities that override one of the default PRPC authentication processes (see below).
  2. Insert a servlet definition element and a servlet-mapping element in the PRPC web.xml file that identify the name of a new authentication service.

Note: When you install PRPC, the web.xml file contains sample servlet definitions you can use to implement authentication services:

If you use these authentication service names you avoid having to change the web.xml file and redeploy PRPC.

For information about configuring and using authentication services, see Authentication in PegaRULES Process Commander, a document available from the Integration area of the PDN.


Authentication services are instances of the Data-Admin-AuthService class. They belong to the SysAdmin category.

Associated Ruleset

When you save an Authentication Service data instance, if the Associated rulesetfield displays [none], the system completes this field with a ruleset from the current application. This association assists with application packaging. You can update the associated ruleset using the field in the upper right corner of the form. See Identifying parts of rule and data forms.

If there is no ruleset associated with the data instance (for example, for existing instances not previously associated with a RuleSet), the Associated ruleset field displays [none].

Initial data instances Atlas — Initial Authentication Service data instances

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