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Optionally, identify an access group to be available to users in this organization. As a user or other requestor belonging to this organization signs on, RuleSets and versions in the application rules of that access group are added to the user's RuleSet list.

Organizational Access



Defined by

Select an Application-based Access Group.

OldThe choice an Explicit RuleSet list remains available for Organization data instances created in Version 4 systems. However, this approach is deprecated for new development.

Access Group Name

SmartPrompt Optional. Displayed when Application-based Access Group is selected. Identify one or more access groups that contain one or more access roles.

Mark one access group as the initial default by selecting a radio button. This access group is used for an operator signing on in specific, unusual situations: when the operator signing on meets both of these conditions:

  • No access group is present on the General tab of the Operator ID form for the operator signing on. (This condition can arise only for Operator ID instances created in V6.1SP1 or earlier.)
  • No access group is present in the Organization Division data instance associated with the operator signing on.

(If these conditions are not met, the access group you identify here has no effect.)


You can identify the controller or Chief Financial Officer of your organization and a default calendar for business day calculations.




SmartPromptOptional. Enter the Operator ID of the Chief Financial Officer or Controller for your organization, if you plan to route email, assignments, or directed Web access messages to this person in your application.

Default calendar name

SmartPrompt Optional. You can identify a calendar name, the first key part of a Calendar data instance, for business day calculations involving this organization.

At runtime, when evaluating a calculation involving dates, system uses the first date in a calculation and this key to locate a calendar instance (Data-Admin-Calendar class) that identifies holidays and work days. (That may be a different calendar data instance than the one selected based on the current date.)

Top level class name

SmartPrompt Optional. Identify a top-level class that applies to all operators in this organization.

When an operator belonging to this organization uses Application Express, this class is the default top-level class. When you create an organization in Application Express, the system uses the Organization Name value to create the top-level class and enters the name here. See top-level class.
NoteYour applications can include classes that inherit — by pattern inheritance — from this class, to indicate they are used only by this organization. Using directed inheritance, your classes can inherit rules from the Work- base class, Data- base class, or other classes. However, some applications support more than one organization, and the system does not require that classes you create be derived from an organization Top Level Class.

Default RuleSet

SmartPromptOptional. Identify a RuleSet that applies to all operators in this organization. (For an organization data instance created during installation, this field is completed automatically.) Enter the RuleSet that contains the top-level class entered in the previous field.

The Application Express processing identifies this RuleSet as a prerequisite the new RuleSet, in the RuleSet version the Application Express creates. The Localization wizard and Field Value inspector also use this optional value.

NoteThe value in this field does not affect a user's RuleSet list. To make the rules in this RuleSet available to all operators in the organization, include this RuleSet and a version in the access group identified on the Access tab.


OldFor Organization data instances with an Explicit RuleSet list. This approach is deprecated for new development.



RuleSet Name

OldDeprecated. Displayed when explicit RuleSet list is selected. Select a RuleSet or RuleSet and RuleSet Version. Order is significant.

Click add row to add a RuleSet to the list.


To review your RuleSet list:

Up About Organization data instances