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The prconfig.xml file is a XML file that defines installation and operating parameters for a PRPC node, including:

Consult Configuration Settings Reference, a document on the PDN, for more information on the contents and format of this file.

In a clustered system, a prconfig.xml file is present on each node.

Use of Dynamic System Settings

TipBeginning with V6.2, many settings that in prior releases could be set only in the prconfig.xml file can optionally be set as dynamic system settings — data instances of the Data-Admin-System-Setting class. This approach eliminates the need to undeploy and redeploy your system to make changes to these settings. (As before, the new or updated settings take effect only the next time the system is restarted.

See How to create or update a prconfig setting.

Viewing the file

This file typically is placed in the WEB-INF/classes subdirectory of the application server directory. To view the prconfig.xml file for a node in your system:

  1. Select > System > Operations > System Management App to start the System Management application. You may be prompted for authentication credentials.
  2. Select a node.
  3. Select the Configuration Management menu item.


CautionChanges to this file may have dramatic effect on the operation and performance characteristics of your system. Make such changes only after careful planning and after review of documentation or consultation with Pegasystems support. Changes you make to this file take effect the next time you start the application server.

TipAs a best practice, use an XML editor when changing the contents of this file. If no XML editor is available, use WordPad or a program editor rather than Windows Notepad.

TipAs a best practice, use application server facilities to effect changes in this file:

  1. Undeploy PRPC.
  2. Extract the current prconfig.xml file from the WAR file or EAR file.
  3. Edit the file as required.
  4. Repackage the WAR file or EAR file.
  5. Redeploy with the application server facilities.
  6. Restart the application server.


When PRPC is deployed as an enterprise application, the prconfig.xml file is contained in a jar file \APP-INF\lib\prresources.jar.

OldIn PRPC releases before Version 5.1, an XML file named pegarules.xml served a similar function to the prconfig.xml file. The pegarules.xml file is obsolete.

Definitions failover, keyring file, node, system ID, Tomcat, Virtual File interface

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