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An open work item is one for which processing is not complete. After processing is complete, the work item is closed or resolved, by assigning to it a status value that starts with the word Resolved.

If required, a resolved work item can be reopened. Typically this indicates that it was resolved prematurely or erroneously. After a work item is reopened, it can be processed by a flow and eventually resolved again.

The value of the standard property Work-.pyStatusWork holds the work item status.

If you display a resolved work item, the Reopen button (Reopen) may appear at the upper right of the header bar of the user form. Click to reopen the work item. This runs the Work-.Reopen standard activity. The Work-.Reopen activity:

  1. Changes the status to Open
  2. Reopens a cover when appropriate
  3. Restarts the flow identified in the pyFlowName property
  4. Displays the work item review form.
Definitions resolution, status, work item status
Standard rules Atlas — Standard Properties in the Work- base class
