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A rule form displays the fields and values that comprise a rule or data instance in your application.

Rule forms were originally created using the deprecated Form Builder tool. Today, all rule forms have been rebuilt to use harnesses and auto-generated features. The terms, form-based and harness-based, are used to distinguish between these two generations of rule forms.

Browser Behavior

When using a supported browser version, all harness-based rule forms load in the work area of Designer Studio.

You can only use a supported version of Internet Explorer to access deprecated or custom rules that are form-based. These rule forms load in a new browser window.

Custom rule forms

As a best practice, upgrade your custom, form-based rules to use harnesses. This technique helps you build standards-compliant applications.

To determine if a rule is form-based:

  1. Open the rule in Designer Studio.
  2. Select Actions > View XML.
  3. Note the class name specified in the pxObjClass XML tag.
  4. Open the Rule-Obj-Class instance with the class name noted above.
  5. Click the Advanced tab.
  6. Inspect the value displayed in the Rule Form Type field.


Definition harness
Related topics Rules by form name
Identifying parts of rule and data forms
About harnesses

Up Definitions