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A space is a named portion of a composite portal, typically defined by a harness that consists of a panel set.

Beginning with 7.1, panel sets are deprecated. As a best practice, use screen layouts instead. Screen layouts are available only to user interfaces rendered in HTML 5 Document Type (standards mode). You can choose from one of many different screen layout formats, each of which can be styled in the skin.

Spaces, for composite portals, are similar to the "workspaces" in traditional ('fixed') User portals from V5.4 and earlier.

Define spaces on the Space tab of the Portal rule form. One space on a composite portal must be named Work. One space must be identified as the default space.

When a composite portal is in use, a user clipboard page named pyPortal contains the current portal rule.

Within a custom JavaScript, you can call the API function pega.desktop.getCurrentSpaceName() to retrieve the name of the currently displayed space. (This value does not appear on the clipboard.)

Definitions composite portal, panel set
Related topics About Portal rules
How to build a composite portal
Standard rules Atlas — Standard Portal rules
