This word has many uses in PRPC.
A rule type is a class (such as Rule-Obj-Flow) that contains rules as instances. The term rule type rather than class is employed to avoid confusion with the class that the rule applies to — the Applies To key part of the rule.
A work type is any concrete class derived from the Work- base class. As with the term "rule type", the term is used to reduce the number of times that the word "class" appears.
An attachment type identifies one of the classes derived from the Data-WorkAttach- class. For example, a file attachment is an instance of the Data-WorkAttach-File type.
For a property, the type is one of the values in the following table. Only properties with a Value mode or Java mode properties have a type.
This attribute of a property is recorded in the General tab of the Property form.
When overriding a property with a property in a higher version, the type of the new property can be narrower than that of the original property. The opposite is not true; you can't override a property with a narrow type with another of a general type. See More about Properties for allowed overrides to the type.
Like the HTML element <INPUT TYPE="PASSWORD" ... >, properties of type
are not visible when entered into an HTML form. However, the property value may be visible (unencrypted) on the clipboard until the page containing the property is saved to the database. In contrast, the value of a TextEncrypted
properties is encrypted on the clipboard and in the database, but can be selectively decrypted for specific users or situations.
Don't confuse the
property type with Java identifiers, a subset of Identifier
values with additional restrictions.