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Completing the Filter Criteria tab

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Complete the Filter Criteria tab to extract values that match these conditions:




Use Last Updated Time as Start

For classes that include the property pxUpdateDateTime, check the Use Last Updated time as Start check box to extract all data that was created or updated since the last time the Extract rule ran up to five minutes before the start of the extract. This assumes that engine startup from the command line takes five minutes. This control is not relevant until the Extract rule has run at least once.

Note: the History-, Assign-, and Link- classes do not include this property, and an Extract run with this check box checked extracts nothing from these classes.

Note: If you plan to run this Extract using the command line, and intend to use the -d, -D, -u, -U parameters, make sure this check box is unchecked. The parameters do not override the setting on this check box, which may result in you not getting the results you anticipate from a command-line extract. See the BIX user manual.


Using the labels entered in the Criteria array below, enter a logical expression that defines how the system combines the criteria into an overall Boolean value at runtime. The expression can include parentheses and the operators AND and OR.

For example, if the table contains four rows labeled A, B, C, and D, you can enter logic like


Notation for this field is similar to that for the logic statement in When condition rules and List View rules.

If you create a logic statement, it must include all labeled rows.

If you do not include a logic statement, the system selects data instances for which all logic rows return the value True.

note on field use You must include at least one logical expression in the Criteria array.


Optional. If you enter multiple criteria, enter a letter or letters to uniquely identify the row. For instance, if you have three rows their labels could simply be A, B, and C.


Enter a property reference for comparison. You can use only properties exposed as individual columns. Start the property reference with a period.

note on field useDo not use properties of type TextEncrypted.


Select a comparison condition, such as Is Equal or Starts With. At runtime BIX converts the operator comparison condition to a standard SQL comparison statement. Non-standard operators, such as the Oracle CONTAINS feature, are not available.


Enter or select one of the following comparison values:

  • A literal constant, formatted in accordance with the property type. See How to enter constants in expressions for formatting help.
    To compare the value with multiple literal constants, surround each with double-quote characters and separate them with commas. Place a backslash character in front of any double-quote character that appears within the constant (\").
  • A fully qualified property reference to a Single Value property that is present on the clipboard at runtime. The property type must match the type of the property in the Field field.
  • A fully qualified property reference to a Value List or Value Group property present on the clipboard at runtime. The property type must match the type of the property in the Field field. To compare the value with multiple Value List or Value Group properties, separate the property names with commas.
  • A period followed by the name of a Single Value property that is exposed as a column. You can compare the values of two properties in the same database row if the types of the properties are identical or compatible.
  • A symbolic date, for a Date or DateTime value. At runtime, the symbolic date converts to an actual date or date range based on the time zone of the user and the Condition value. For example, if the user selects Last year and the Condition value IS EQUAL TO, the result is a date range from the start of January 1 through the end of December 31 of the previous calendar year.

If the Condition field is set to IS NULL or IS NOT NULL, leave the Value field blank.

Commas correspond to OR. If the Value field contains two or more entries separated by commas, at runtime the comparison is TRUE if it evaluates as true for any one of the entries.

Similarly, when the Value field contains a Value List or Value Group property reference, at runtime the comparison is TRUE if it evaluates as true for any element in the list or group.

For Greater and Greater or Equal comparisons, at runtime the comparison test is applied to the largest value in a list or group. Similarly, for Less and Less or Equal comparisons, the comparison is with the smallest value in the group or list.

noteValue List and Value Group options are most useful in combination with conditions such as Contains or Starts With.

Using the Pick Values pop-up window

For assistance in completing this field, click the magnifying glass icon. A pop-up window appears with one or more of these tabs:

  • Available Values — The system searches the database column corresponding to the property to collect and display in a new window up to 1,000 values for the Field property. To add literal values to the Value field, check on or more boxes and click Apply. You can also type literal constants directly, whether or not they appear in this list.
    This tab is available only for users with the standard privilege @baseclass.ShowStoredValues, and appears at runtime when the Display Available Values? check box is selected in the Prompt Settings area.
  • Valid Values — The system presents values defined by the Table fields on the General tab of the property rule referenced in the Field field. To add literal values to the Value field, check one or more check boxes and click Apply.
    This tab appears at runtime when the Display Valid Values? check box is selected in the Prompt Settings area.
  • Compatible Values — The system lists exposed properties that have the same Type as the property in the Field field. This tab appears at runtime when the Display Compatible Columns? check box is selected in the Prompt Settings area.
  • Time Periods — For a property of type Date or DateTime, allows the selection of a symbolic date such as Yesterday or Current Year.

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