Use this tab to configure your message and define the text it contains. You can include placeholders in your text for parameter values that are populated at run time.
Use the following fields in the Details section to configure your message.
Field |
Description |
Category |
This field is always visible. Select an option from the list that describes the type of information this message conveys to users. Options include: Alert, Error, Tip, Warning, blank, and any custom categories defined in your application. As a best practice, always specify a category. SmartPrompt results include messages with a blank category, which can lead to confusion.
Severity |
This field is visible for Warning category messages. Select an option from the list that describes the level of impact to the application if you do not resolve or justify to the warning. Options include: Severe, Moderate, and Informational. The value you select appears as part of the message text displayed to users. |
Application Impact |
This field is visible for Warning category messages. Select an application area from the list that is adversely affected if you do not resolve or justify the warning. Options include: Data Integrity, Functionality, Maintainability, Performance, and Security. The value you select appears as part of the message text displayed to users. |
Enter clear and concise text in the Message field. Use curly braces and the numbers 1-10 to represent dynamic text. For example, you can enter message using this format:
Rule {1} was processed on the {2} thread with data from page {3}.
At run time, the system evaluates the values of parameters passed to the message, which can be property references, literal text, or another message. Each number in curly braces is replaced with a value to form a complete message.
Use the options on the Parameters tab to define data types and default values for your message input parameters.
As a best practice for Warning category messages, enter text that explains why the warning is present and at least one suggested action to clear it.