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Use an Association rule to define a relationship between two classes based on matching values in pairs of properties. A typical use of an association rule is to enable your application to automatically add a join to a report that displays properties from both classes referenced in the association.

Association rules are one-directional. To represent the relationship between two classes A and B, you usually need to define two associations:


To see the association rules available to your current application, select > Reporting > Report Components > Associations. To see all association rules in your system, use the Records Explorer.

Where referenced

Association rules are referenced in report definitions, to allow a report to contain data from both the instances of the Applies To class and the joined or associated class.

Standard rules

PRPC contains more than 50 standard association rules, which are available automatically as you work with the Report Definition form. Before creating an application-specific association rule, check to see whether a standard rule is available that provides the association you need for a report.

PDN Resources

See PDN article 26153 When and how to create an association rule to support reporting.


Association rules are part of the SysAdmin category. An Association rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Association class.

Standard rulesStandard Association rules

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