On this tab, specify the questions that appear on this page. Add additional question rows by clicking the + "add" button. Note that the questions appear to the end user in the order that establish in this form.
For each question:
- Specify whether the current question is Simple or Complex.
- In the Label field provide the text the end user sees with the question.
- in the Question Name field, select the question to include. To create a new question, click the icon to the right of the field and complete the form that appears. See Creating a new question, below.
- Click the Refresh check box to refresh the display of the question, and send the answer to the clipboard, after the user enters an answer. The system also executes any display logic that depends on th answer to the current question.
- Click the Default Hidden check box to not display this question unless display logic directs it to appear.
- Click the Blank Hidden check box to not display this question if the answer is blank.
- Click the Required check box to make answering the question required.
- Click the edit link to set or update the display logic governing this question.
To delete a question, click the trash-can icon at the right end of its row.
Click the Check for Property Conflicts button to have the system validate the questions on the page to make sure that two questions are not mapped to the same property. If the system finds multiple questions mapped to the same property, it displays an error message identifying the questions, so you can correct the issue.
About Question Page rules