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Completing the Create and Save As forms

About RuleSet rules

There are two forms for creating or copying rulesets and versions: Create RuleSet Version and Save As RuleSet. The ruleset and its versions are maintained in a single ruleset form.

Create Ruleset Version form

Use this form to:

To open the form, select RuleSet from the SysAdmin category on the Records Explorer, right click, and select +Create.

Define the ruleset, version, and prerequisites

Use the top section of the form to enter the key parts of both rules.



RuleSet Name

Select an existing ruleset, or enter a Ruleset Name value starting with a letter and containing only letters, digits, and dashes. Ruleset names must be unique system-wide.

Give your ruleset a name that helps you manage and identify its contents. Start the ruleset name with a letter and use only letters, digits, and dashes. Choose names that are short and easy to remember.

An initial portion of the name can represent your company and the second portion can represent the application content or purpose. For example, you might use your company stock ticker symbol followed by letters that represent the purpose of the application or its content.

Special cases

To create a language specific RuleSets name, enter the base ruleset name followed by a single underscore and then the locale code. For example, enter ALPHA_fr for a French language ruleset to override text elements in the ALPHA ruleset. See Internationalization and localization — Concepts and terms.

To create a ruleset to support only access from mobile devices, follow the base ruleset name with the _mobile suffix. See Understanding Pega-Mobile.

Rule resolution

To avoid circularity, rule resolution does not apply to ruleset rules.


  • Don't choose a name that starts with the four letters Pega, or other variations of this text with different case. Such RuleSets have special capabilities and are reserved for use by Pegasystems.
  • Ruleset names may be up to 64 characters long, but normally are less than twenty characters long. See System limits and maximums.


When you enter a new ruleset name, the system enters a default three-part version identifier of 01-01-01. You can modify this value using another three-part identifier.

When you select an existing ruleset name, the system increments its highest version by one patch number.

Every ruleset normally has at least one version numbered 01-01-01. Create additional versions for developers who make enhancements and fixes to rules in the ruleset.

  • For enhancements, developers need a version in which the middle two digits are incremented. This is known as a minor version.
  • For bug fixes, developers need a version in which the last two digits are incremented. This is known as a patch version.
  • For major releases, developers need a version in which the first two digits are incremented. This is known as a major version. Major versions can be created automatically during skim operations rather than through the rule form.

You can use any increment between numbers. For example, you can create version 01-01-10 without creating 01-01-02.

Rule resolution

To avoid circularity, rule resolution does not apply to ruleset version rules. A ruleset version is a rule contained in a ruleset. For example, the ruleset version 01-17-04 of RuleSet Alpha is among the other versions rules contained in the ruleset.


When you enter or select a ruleset name, the system enters a unique two-part short description comprising the name and the default version. For example, if you enter a ruleset name MyCo, the default description is MyCo:01-01-01. If you change the Version value, the Description field updates the version number automatically. You can edit this field to suit your requirements.

Requires RuleSet and Versions

If Application-Based Validation (ABV) mode is not enabled, a new ruleset version must have at least one prerequisite. When you enter a ruleset name, the system enters in this field the highest Pega-ProcessCommander version in the system.

If you selected an existing ruleset, the prerequisites for that rule appear.

For more information about this field, see Working with the Versions tab.

Update my current Application to include the new version

Select it if you want to add this ruleset version to the top of the Application Ruleset list in the current application rule. If you select this box, you must use Quick Create to save the rule.

The system will not update the application rule if password protection is enabled. To disabled it, clear the Require password to update application check box on the Definition tab on the application form.


Click to create the new ruleset and version rules. When the ruleset form opens, click Save both the rules. Do not click the Save button in the ruleset version row on the Versions tab.

Quick Create

Click to create or update the ruleset and version rules without opening the ruleset form and manually saving it. The version is added to the Application if you selected Update my current Application to include the new version.

Save As RuleSet form

Use this form to copy a ruleset. The system copies the values in the Security, Category, and History tabs. The version is the one you specify in this form.

Do the following:

  1. Open the ruleset and open the Save As RuleSet form.
  2. Enter a new, unique ruleset name. Do not select an existing name from SmartPrompt.
    You cannot add a version to an existing ruleset on this form.
  3. Keep the default version 01-01-01 or modify it.
  4. Keep the default Description value or modify it.
  5. Update the prerequisite RuleSets and versions if necessary.
  6. Optionally, select Update my current Application to include the new version.
  7. Click Create. The ruleset form opens. (If you click Quick Create, the ruleset and version are automatically saved; the form does not open)
  8. Save the ruleset to save the ruleset and version.

You cannot use this form to add a version to a ruleset. To add a version, open the Create Ruleset Version form as described above, select an existing ruleset, and update the Version field. Alternatively, open the Versions tab on the ruleset form, add a row in the Versions array, and complete the Create Ruleset Version form. See Using the Versions tab.

Creating branch rulesets

You create branch rulesets in the Branch area on the Application rule's Definition tab. When branching a ruleset, the non-branch ruleset's Validation mode is used by the branch. See Application form - Completing the Definition tab.

branches and branch RuleSets, landing page, division, organization unit, organizational ruleset, ownership, ruleset list
About Organization data instances
About Organization Unit data instances
About Division data instances
About Operator ID instances
About ruleset versions

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