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04-01 C-542 C-575 Advanced featureUse the Form Builder to create a new Form File rule or modify an existing Form rule (Rule-File-Form rule type). This creates a sophisticated rule or data form using Internet Explorer DOM document object model and XML data binding.

Development cycle

1.Click  Form Builder . The Form Builder window appears showing the Tree View on the left and the work area on the right.

2. Interact with the Tree View and details as described in this topic.

3. Click  Save  .

4. Click the Save toolbar button .

At any time, you can click  Preview   to update the form view the current state of the form.

Tab layout is organized in groups. Groups are a series of interrelated fields (generally) separated by title bars. For example, groups can  contain several check boxes, or a repeating row with three columns of data.

In the Tree View area

In the Tab Layout Properties area

Click the tabLayout icon to associate main and overlay style sheets to the form.

Rows — Enter the desired number of rows for the form. Typically, the number of rows corresponds to the number of groups (and title bars) required on the form.

Columns — Enter the desired number of columns for the form. Columns are proportional divisions of tab width. For example, choosing 1 column uses the entire width of the tab. Choosing 2 columns divides the tab area into left and right halves.

Direction to Fill — Choose Down (the default) to fill the form from top to bottom. Choose Right to fill the form from right to left.


  • Choose Main to place the group in the form's main area.
  • Choose Bottom to place the group at the bottom of the form.

Click Apply. The selected parameters apply to the form.

Up Form Builder basics