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At runtime, four methods (Obj-Browse, Obj-Filter, Obj-List-View, and RDB-List), report definitions, list view rules, and summary view rules use a page of the class Code-Pega-List class as a source of search criteria and to hold output. Typically, such pages are named Results, pyQueryResultPage, or pyViewLookupList. Search results (which support rows of report output) are stored as pages in the pxResults() property, a Page List.

Although Code-Pega-List is a concrete class, pages of this class exist only on the clipboard. They are never saved to the PegaRULES database.

This table identifies several properties on such pages, in alphabetical order ignoring the first two characters of the name. Properties marked dotwith may hold input parameters for the search; other properties marked with (Read-only) contain outputs from the search.



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For list view reports that save results as an XML file in the lookup list cache, identifies the file name.

lookup list
pyCondition dot

A Page List. Identifies the parameters that define search comparisons, for the Obj-List method:

  • pyConditionFieldName — A property reference resulting in a single text value
  • pyConditionOperation — A comparison operator, such as "<"
  • pyConditionValue1 — An expression for the comparison value
pyDetailsAction dot

For list view and summary view rules, identifies the value of the pyAction parameter to the ShowView activity, such as PREPARE or SHOW.


For list view and summary view rules, identifies the name of the window that is to hold the resulting display.


Elapsed time in seconds to process the RDB-List operation. Read-only


Indicates whether there are more instances not returned. Values are true or false. Read-only

pyMaxRecords dot

Optional input to limit the number of rows returned.


Indicates the key of the first row (instance) not returned, if pxMore is true. Read-only


Identifies the class containing the instances that are to be searched. Don't confuse with property pxObjClass, the class of this page, which always has the value Code-Pega-List.


For list view or summary view rules that support report paging, the maximum number of results to presented on a page.


A DateTime value recording the start of the operation.Read-only


A Page List containing pages with individual search results. each of the class defined in the pxObjClass property. (Not used for Obj-List methods that specify the lightweight results format.) Read-only


Number of rows of data returned by the search.Read-only


Advanced featureFor the Obj-List method, indicates that the results are in a special format rather than in pxResults pages. Read-only


For the Obj-List method, the SQL statement sent to the database before substitution. Read-only


For the RDB-List method, SQL statements as sent to the SQL database. Appears only when requested through the {SQLPage} syntax.Read-only

RDB-List method

For the RDB-List method, SQL statements before substitution. Appears only when requested through the {SQLPage} syntax.Read-only

RDB-List method

For the Obj-List method, elapsed seconds taken for the method. Read-only


For the RDB-List method, the total number of results returned by the query. This is set only if pyReturnTotalResultCount is true. (If pyReturnTotalResultCount is false, then this is zero.)Read-only

RDB-List method
pyUseAlternateDb Set to true if an alternate database, not the primary PegaRULES database, was the source of data for a list view or summary view report. Data Tables form — Completing the Database tab

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