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About RuleSet rules

Because they define how PRPC features operate, all versions of the rulesets listed below are locked, except as noted.

Use the Records Explorer to see a complete list of rulesets on your system.

Optional or special-purpose RuleSets



CheckInCandidates Initially empty. Supports the Rule Check-in Approval process, and needed only by developers using that process. See How to use the Rule Check-in Approval process. Not locked.
PegaAES Optional RuleSet, part of the Autonomic Event Services product.
PegaAESRemote Optional RuleSet, for client systems monitored by the Autonomic Event Services product.
PegaAppTestManagement Optional RuleSet, part of the Test Management Framework.
Pega-BIX Optional RuleSet, provides the Business Intelligence Exchange facility.
PegaCustFoundation Optional RuleSet, part of the Test Management Framework.
Pega-DecisionEngine Optional. Supports Decision Strategy Manager.

PegaE to PegaO

PegaForecaster Not used.
Pega-IAC Supports the optional Internet Application Composer product.
Pega-Mobile Supports the Pega Mobile product.

PegaP to PegaV

Pega-Repository Reserved. Not used.
PegaRelationshipViewer Optional RuleSet, part of the Test Management Framework.
PegaRuleStubs Reserved. Do not reference this RuleSet in any configuration. Supports special processing for rule resolution performance.
Pega-SpecialControls Supports access to third-party UI facilities in non-autogenerated sections. See Sections — Completing the HTML tab.

PegaW to PegaZ

PegaWAI Optional RuleSet that supports accessibility.
Reserved. Not used.


PmmlSupport Part of Decision Strategy Manager.

Foundation RuleSets

These RuleSets provide facilities that are part of base PRPC and are typically available to all users. The correct order and versions of these RuleSets are defined by the application rule named PegaRULES:06-03. The descriptions below provide only a general indication of the scope of the features provided.



Pega-AppDefinition Supports the Direct Capture of Objectives features.
Pega-AutoTest Supports Automated Unit Testing.
Pega-Content Supports Content Management Interoperability Services.
Pega-Desktop Supports the Designer Studio.
Pega-EndUserUI HTML and JSP generation
Pega-Engine Rule resolution, low-level foundation processing
Pega-EventProcessing Supports business events. Note: Business events are deprecated.
Pega-Feedback Supports the Direct Feedback feature, which works with the Project Management Framework.
Pega-Gadgets Designer Studio, landing pages
Pega-ImportExport ZIP archive support
Pega-IntegrationArchitect Rule forms
Pega-IntegrationEngine Integration services and connectors runtime
Pega-IntSvcs Integration, connectors and services
Pega-LocalizationTools Internationalization and localization
Pega-LP Landing pages
Pega-LP-Application Application landing pages
Pega-LP-DataModel Data model landing pages
Pega-LP-Integration Integration landing pages
Pega-LP-OrgAndSecurity Organization and security landing pages
Pega-LP-ProcessAndRules Process and rules landing pages
Pega-LP-Reports Landing pages
Pega-LP-SystemSettings Systems landing pages
Pega-LP-UserInterface User interface landing pages
Pega-Portlet Supports portlet services
Pega-ProcessArchitect Rule forms
Pega-ProcessCommander Topmost foundation RuleSet.
Pega-ProcessEngine Flows and other process rules, at runtime.
Pega-ProCom Workflow support and user portal facilities.
Pega-Reporting Reporting
Pega-RULES Activities, Java generation, rule resolution, and basic engine operations.
Pega-RulesEngine Foundation
Pega-RuleRefactoring RuleSet management
Pega-SearchEngine Full-text search. See Understanding the full-text search facility
Pega-SecurityVA Supports the Rule Security Analyzer.
Pega-SystemArchitect Designer Studio facilities
Pega-UIDesign User interface facilities
Pega-UIEngine User interface runtime facilities
Pega-UpdateManager Supports the Update Manager for hotfixes and system scanning.
Pega-WB Internal facilities.

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