Warning Details tab

Use the Warning Details tab in the Application Guardrails landing page to review all application warnings in a table format. Key details, such as the date warnings were introduced and the operator responsible for the change, are included as columns in this table.

Additional options allow you to export warnings to Microsoft Excel and share them with project stakeholders.


Working with the warnings table

Each row in the table represents a rule with an attached warning. Results are filtered, based on the selections you make in the application scoping control.

Keep the following points in mind as you inspect each row:

Note: Transient warnings are not included in this table. You must save a rule and review the rule form header for this type of warning because transient warnings are not persisted to the database

Warnings attached to the imported rules also appear in this table, along with any associated justifications. However, when you manually re-save a rule, legacy warnings might be replaced with an updated message. If this occurs, justifications that were previously entered for legacy warnings are discarded.


When you are finished filtering results, click Export to Excel to create a spreadsheet that you can save to your local system for offline analysis.

Alternatively, click Schedule Report to automatically email a spreadsheet to stakeholders.



application scoping control, application rulesetscompliance score, decision rule conflict, final rule conflict, guardrail, warning message

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