Web Services Policy form
Completing the WS Policy tab

  1. About 
  2. New 
  3. WS Policy 
  4. Keystore 
  5. History 

Use this tab to associate a database table or view with the class that you identified as the key of this data instance.




Attach the policy xml attached to the binding element in the WSDL. Policy attached to binding element of Endpoint policy subject is placed in the service policy section of the source view tab.

  • Source View

    Displays the text form of the policy document. You can directly edit the text.

    Click Generate/Update Design View to produce a Design View of the current policy document.

  • Design View

    A graphical tree-view of the policy XML document. You can edit the fields in the display to enter configuration information.

    Click Update Source View to write the changes you have made in the Design View into the policy XML document.

Input Message

Attach the policy xml attached to the input element of endpoint policy subject in the WSDL.

Use the Source View and Design View panes as described above for the Service section.

Output Message

Attach the policy xml attached to the output element of endpoint policy subject in the WSDL.

Use the Source View and Design View panes as described above for the Service section.

Up About Web Services Policy data instances