base rule

A base rule is the fallback rule selected by rule resolution when no other circumstance version's criteria is met. Base rules are sometimes referred to as "unqualified" in that they have no circumstance qualification.

A base rule must exist for every circumstance or qualified rule. To verify if an existing rule is either a base rule or a circumstanced version, open it in the Designer Studio and inspect the form header. The Circumstanced link will appear; click it to see the circumstance values or an indication that the rule is a base version. If the existing rule is neither a base nor a circumstanced version, the link will not be visible.

To see all available circumstances for a given base rule, navigate to the rule in the Application Explorer. Use the expand icon next to the name of the base rule to display each of the circumstanced instances and their values.

By default, you create a base rule when using the Create Form. To create circumstances for a base rule, open the base rule in the Designer Studio and use the Save As > Specialize by circumstance action.


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