Code- base class

The Code- base class, one of twelve base classes, contains all the classes that define the objects used by PRPC's own implementation.

As an application developer, you can work with properties and clipboard pages associated with classes derived from the Code- base class, such as Code-Pega-Thread and Code-Pega-Requestor.

For example, the status results from most methods are stored in the property pxMethodStatus on the pxThread clipboard page. This property is in the Code-Pega-Thread class.

However, you do not need to create activities (or other rules that use Java) in these classes. Special restrictions and access control apply to these classes, and proper operation of the activities in this class is essential to the integrity, performance, and security of your system.

You cannot define classes that are derived from Code- classes.

Pages of Code- classes exist only on the clipboard; they cannot be saved to the PegaRULES database.

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