How to detect when the number of requestors exceeds the threshold (PEGA0030 alert)

Alert log message

The PEGA0030 alert is generated when the number of requestors logged onto the system (including agents and services) exceeds the alert threshold.

The alert is generated each time the threshold is exceeded. For example, if the total number of system requestors exceeds the limit, falls beneath it, and then rises past it again, a total of two alerts are logged.

Here is an example of the message:

Number of active requestors (210) exceeds configured limit of 200.

Modifying the alert settings

By default, the alert is enabled with a threshold of 200 requestors. You can modify the setting in the prconfig.xml file as follows:

  1. Open the prconfig.xml file and update this alerts section:

<env name="/alerts/requestors/count/threshold" value="200" />

  1. Set the threshold value to a positive integer identifying the maximum number of requestors.
  2. Stop and restart the server.

As an alternative to the prconfig.xml file, you can use Dynamic System Settings to configure your application.
See How to create or update a prconfig setting.

Probable causes and remediation

Requestors contain threads and clipboard data, which can be resource intensive. Therefore, keep track of how many requestors are created in a system to avoid out-of-memory errors and other resource problems when the system is in production.

Ensure that this node is not being overloaded with users, agents, and services. Possibly, a node has failed (gone offline) and all the users have moved to the node reporting the alert. Consider moving the load to another node, decreasing the requestor timeout threshold, or using a load balancer to allocate log-ins across multiple nodes.


See PDN article 25628 Understanding the PEGA0030 alert.

Definitionsalert log, prconfig.xml file, requestor
Related topicsUnderstanding alerts

UpSysAdmin category