Extract rules
Understanding the Execution History tab

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  2. New 
  3. Definition 
  4. Filter Criteria 
  5. File Specification 
  6. Execution History 
  1. History 
  2. More... 

The Execution History tab lets you view the results of previous runs of the extraction. Double-click any row to view more details.

This read-only information is drawn from the pr_extract_time table in the PegaRULES database. The time values are in terms of the time zone where the computer server is located.



Create Date Time

The time and date that the extract session started.

Class and Purpose

The class of the properties being extracted and the name of the Extract rule.

System Name

The name of the Pega 7 system that ran the extraction.

% Completed

How much of the extraction has been completed.


Whether the extract succeeded or failed.

Up About Extract rules