Connect MQ form
Completing the Service tab

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Use the Service tab to identify the location, port, and other properties of the WebSphere MQ server. After you complete this tab and save the Connect MQ form, you can test connectivity to the MQ server.

MQ Server



MQ Server  
MQ Server Name

SmartPromptIdentify an MQ Server, an instance of the Data-Admin-Connect-MQServer class. Pega 7 uses this information to find and log into the remote WebSphere MQ system.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyMQServerKey. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.




Request Queue Manager

Optional. Enter the name of the queue manager. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default queue manager for the specified queue.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyMQRequestQueueManager. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Click the magnifying glass button (Magnifying class) button to inspect the queue. A window appears, listing any items in the queue. Click a message position number to display detailed information about that item.

Request Queue Name

SmartPromptEnter the name of the queue onto which the outgoing request message is to be placed.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyMQRequestQueueName. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Click Magnifying glass to display a list of MQ messages, add a message, or remove a message. (For an example, see PDN article How to debug MQ connectors using BROWSE, PUT and GET message operations.)

Resolved Queue Name Property

SmartPrompt Optional. Select a Single Value property to indicate that the queue manager is to return the local name of the request queue on which the message was put. The value is then stored in this property. The value may differ from the queue specified in the Request Queue Name field if the specified queue is an alias, remote, or model queue.

This is option ResolvedQName in the Put message.

Resolved Queue Manager Property.

SmartPrompt Optional. Select a Single Value property to indicate that the queue manager is to return the local name of the queue manager of the queue on which the message was put. The value is then stored in this property.

The value may differ from the manager specified in the Request Queue Manager field if the queue specified in the Request Queue Name field is a remote queue.

This is option ResolvedQMgrName in the Put message.




Response Message ID

Select how the receiving application is to determine the MessageID header value for its response message at runtime. Select:

  • Generate Unique Value — At runtime, the queue manager of the response queue generates a unique value for each response message.
  • Pass Value From Request — The receiving application copies the value from the MessageID header in the request message to the MessageID header in the response message.

Click the magnifying glass button (Magnifying class) to inspect the queue. A window appears, listing any items in the queue. Click a message position number to display detailed information about that item.

Response Correlation ID

Select how the receiving application determines the CorrelationID header value for its message at runtime:

  • Copy Request Message ID — The receiving application copies the value from the MessageID header in the request message to the Correlation Id header in the response message.
  • Pass Value From Request — The receiving application copies the value of the CorrelationID in the request message to the CorrelationID header in the response message.
Dynamic Queue

Select to specify that a dynamic local queue is to be created for the responses to the messages sent by this connector.

When this option is selected, Pega 7 obtains a dynamic local queue from the Request Queue Manager and places the identity of that dynamic queue in the Reply To Queue field in the message headers of the messages sent by this connector. Responses to the messages are then posted to the dynamic queue.

If you select this box, complete the Model Name field and the Response tab.

Dynamic Queue Close Options

Pega 7 closes the dynamic queue after it retrieves the response message from it. Select one of the following options to specify how Pega 7 is to close the dynamic queue:

  • MQCO_CLOSE — Close the dynamic queue with no additional processing.
  • MQCO_DELETE — If there are no pending updates to the queue and there are no messages left on it, delete it.
  • MQCO_DELETE_PURGE — If there are no pending updates to the queue, delete any existing messages and then delete the message.

If the model specified in the Response Queue Model Name field defines temporary rather than permanent dynamic queues, the MQCO_CLOSE option is the only valid option. In this case, if you select either MQCO_DELETE or MQCO_DELETE_PURGE, it is interpreted at runtime as MQCO_CLOSE.

Response Queue / Model Name

SmartPromptDo one of the following:

  • If the Dynamic Queue option is not selected, enter the name of the queue from which the system retrieves the incoming response message.
  • If the Dynamic Queue option is selected, enter the name of the model queue that the Request Queue Manager is to use to create dynamic queues for this connector.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyMQResponseQueueName. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Click Magnifying glass to display a list of MQ messages, add a message, or remove a message. (For an example, see PDN article How to debug MQ connectors using BROWSE, PUT and GET message operations.)

Response Queue Manager

Optional. Enter the name of the queue manager. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the default queue manager for the specified queue.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyMQResponseQueueManager. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

Resolved Queue Name Property

SmartPrompt Optional. Select a Single Value property to indicate that the queue manager is to return the local name of the queue from which the message was retrieved. The value is then stored in this property. The value may be different than the queue specified in the Response Queue Name field if the specified queue an alias or model queue.

Response Message Timeout

Optional. Enter the number of seconds that the activity calling the service is to wait for a response. If Pega 7 does not receive a response within this time interval, it reports a service failure and activity processing continues.

If you leave this field blank, the calling activity waits indefinitely for a response message.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyMQResponseTimeout. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.





Optional. Select these boxes to identify the WebSphere MQ report message types that the remote application creates after it places a message on a queue. These report messages supersede or are in addition to the standard reply message:


The remote application sends a report when an error occurs during processing of the request message. Because an exception report represents a processing error, it supersedes the standard reply message.


The remote application sends a report when the request message is not removed from the queue by the receiving application within the time period specified by the Expiry header field of the request message. Because an expiration report represents a processing error, it supersedes the standard reply message.

Confirm on Arrival

The remote application sends a report when the request message is placed on the queue. It sends Confirm on Arrival (COA) reports in addition to the standard reply message.

Confirm on Delivery

The remote application sends a report when the request message is removed from the queue by the receiving application. It sends Confirm on Delivery (COD) reports in addition to the standard reply message.

Page Name

Optional. For each report you selected, enter the name of a clipboard page that Pega 7 creates to hold the data contained in the report. The class of these pages is Data-MQMessage.


For each report selected, specify the size of the data buffer for the report message:

  • No Data — The data buffer is empty.
  • Partial Data — The data buffer is no more than 100 bytes.
  • Full Data — The data buffer size is unlimited.

Error handling



Error Handling  
Status Value Property

SmartPromptOptional. Select a Single Value property that the system uses to report the status of the remote service request. The value is one of two four-character literals: Good or Fail. You can use the standard property @baseclass.pyStatusValue.

Status Message Property

SmartPromptOptional. Enter the name of a Single Value property that the system uses to provide additional information about an error that occurred when processing the remote service request. You can use the standard property @baseclass.pyStatusMessage.

Error Handler Flow

SmartPrompt Optional. Identify a flow rule that is to be started when this connector rule is started by a flow rule but fails. The default flow rule Work-.ConnectionProblem provides one approach for handling such problems. See Handling connector exceptions.

 Test Connectivity  

Optional. Click  Test Connectivity   at any time after you have completed the information on this tab and saved the rule form.

Pega 7 attempts to connect to the MQ server identified, the queue manager, the request queue, and the response queue. The system presents test results in a separate window, identifying the parameters used in the test, the steps attempted, and the outcome of each step. It does not call the service.


Click to create a simulator for this connect rule. See Creating connect simulators.

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