Predictive Model rule form
Completing the Predictive Model tab

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This step is not required when the predictive model instance is generated by the Predictive Analytics Director functionality directly available in Decision Management enabled applications, as the predictive model instances generated in the model export process already include the OXL file.

In this step, you upload the file containing the model. The model is represented by OXL files if you are creating a predictive model based on a PAD model, or PMML files if you are creating a predictive model based on a third party model.

Note Spaces are not supported in the file name. Make sure you rename the OXL file to avoid naming conflicts in PRPC. If you are using OXL files generated by the CDM PAD application, take into consideration that not every OXL version contains aggregation information; in this case, use models generated by CDM PAD 6.1.2 or lower, or CDM PAD 6.8 or higher.

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