Data Page form
Completing the Definition tab

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Complete this tab to define the type, class and scope of the data page, and of its instances created on the clipboard.

The tab has three sections: Data Page Definition, Keyed Page Access, and Data Sources.


Data Page Definition

Provide the required information in the fields in this section:



Structure SmartPrompt Select:
  • Page — To create a data page containing a single object of the type specified below.
  • List -- To create a list-type data page containing multiple objects of the type specified below.
Data Type SmartPromptSelect the data type (class) of the data page to be created. The data type does not have to be the same as the data type of the data sources for the data page.
Edit Mode


  • Read Only if you do not want the data page to be modified except during page load and post-activity processing. The data page appears in the Data Page list on the clipboard.
  • Editable if the data page can be modified. The data page appears in the User Page list on the clipboard. Editable data pages do not have a refresh strategy and cannot be node-level in scope.
Scope SmartPromptSelect an option to set who can access the pages loaded by this data page record:
  • Node — Any requestor executing on the current node can access the pages. You cannot set the scope as Node for an editable data page.
  • Thread — The page is created in a single requestor Thread, and can be accessed as often as needed by processing in that Thread. Later accesses on another threadcause the data page to load a distinct page which may have different contents, even if it is by the same requestor.
  • Requestor — The requestor can access the page(s) loaded across all threads. Accesses by separate requestors create distinct pages which may have different contents.

Editable pages all have Thread or Requestor scope.

Keyed Page Access

For list-structure data pages, you can allow read-only access to embedded pages in the data page, using any property or properties you want as the key. This permits significantly faster response when dealing with a large list.

Check the Access pages with user defined keys check box to allow read-only access to individual objects in the list based on the value(s) provided for the key(s).

Check the Allow multiple pages per key check box if the keys are not unique across objects in the list. This provides read-only access to a list of objects that match the value(s) provided for the key(s) in this case.

In the Page List Keys field, select at least one property as the page list key. You can add additional properties by clicking the + icon.

Data Sources

You can identify one or many sources of data for the data page.

If you specify multiple sources, to the right of each source listing a field appears where you identify the When rule that evaluates whether the current conditions require using the source identified in that row. The condition for the final data source is set as "Otherwise"; that data source is used if all the preceding When rules evaluate to false.

Click "Add New Source" to define an additional data source.

If there is more than one source listed, you can delete all but one. Click the "X" at the right of the information about the source you want to delete, to remove it.

You can drag data sources higher or lower in the list to set the order in which the system checks whether they should be used. If multiple When rules evaluate to TRUE, the system only uses the highest one on the list.

For each data source, Select:




Required. Select a source. The list of options varies according to whether you set the page structure to Page or List.

  • Report Definition — Use the results of a report definition as the data source. This can only be used as a data source for list-structure data pages.
  • Lookup — Use an instance of the specified object type as the data source. This can only be used as a data source for page-structure data pages.
  • Connector — Use the response of a connector as the data source.
  • Data Transform — Specify a data transform to use to populate the data page.
  • You can also select Activity — To execute an activity that creates and populates the page. However, Pega no longer recommends using this option.

The form changes depending on your selection, and displays one or more of the following fields:


Appears when the source is "Activity". Select an activity to use. At runtime:

  • When the page type is "page", the system uses the value in the Page Class field as the Applies To key part to find the activity with rule resolution.
  • When the page type is "list", the system looks for the activity in the Code-Pega-List class.

Select an activity that has LoadDeclarativePage as the Activity Type (on the Security tab). Confirm that this activity adds property values to the page; it is not otherwise unrestricted. See More about data page rules.

If the Scope is set to Node, the system uses the rulesetlist provided by the access group in the Access Group field with rule resolution to find the activity (not the ruleset list of the requestor). If the Scope is set to Thread, the system uses the ruleset list of the requestor to find the activity.

Caution: At runtime, if the Scope is set to Node, rule resolution excludes checked-out rules in a personal ruleset. It only searches through checked-in versions when finding the version of the activity to execute.

Report Definition

Select a report definition that the system uses to create and update (refresh) instances of this data page.


If any of the rules referenced in a given source require parameters, click Params and enter literal constant values or references as parameter values. To reference a parameter value passed to the data page at the time of reference, use Param.<parameter listed on data page> syntax. If the parameters of the data source have the same name as the parameters defined on the data page, select the Pass current parameter page check box to pass all parameters and their values through to the data source.

You can also enter the fully qualified reference, starting with a top-level page name. In this case, you must include the name and class of clipboard pages or other data pages you reference here on the Pages & Classes tab of this rule form.


SmartPromptThese fields appear when you select Connector as the Data Source. Select the type of connector.


SmartPromptSelect the name of the connector. The Applies To class of each available connector appears in parentheses beside the connector's name. You may select any connector as the data source: the Applies To class does not have to match the object type of the data page.

Request Data Transform

Specify a data transform that supplies initial values for properties or parameter values referenced in a connector rule. The system uses the Applies To class of the connector record as the Applies To key part when searching for the rule with rule resolution

Response Data Transform

Specify a data transform to be executed after a response is obtained from either a connector, report definition or lookup data source. This is required if the Applies To key part of the data source does not match or inherit from the object type of the data page; otherwise it is optional.

When the data page has a page-structure, the system uses the object type of the data page as the Applies To key part when searching for the rule with rule resolution. If the data page has a list-structure, it will use Code-Pega-List as the applies to key part.

End Point URL

Optional. If the Connector Type is Connect HTTP, Connect REST, Connect SOAP, or Connect dotNet, you can override the End Point URL value in the rule with a value here.

Method If the data source is a connector, select either Get or Post as the connector method.

Appears for Connect SQL rules only. Enter the second (middle) key part (Package Name) of the Connect SQL rule.


Appears for Connect SQL rules only. Leave unselected to cause the system to execute the Connect SQL rule with the RDB-Open method, using information in the Open tab of the Connect SQL rule.

Select to cause the system to execute the Connect SQL rule with the RDB-List method, using information in the Browse tab of the Connect SQL rule.

Max Records

Optional. Appears for Connect SQL rules only when the List check box is selected. You may enter a positive integer to limit the number of rows returned from the RDB-List method.

Data Transform Name

This field appears when you select Data Transform as the Data Source. Select a data transform that is the source of the data for the page.

At runtime:

  • When the page type is "page", the system uses the value in the Page Class field as the Applies To key part to find the activity with rule resolution.
  • When the page type is "list", the system looks for the activity in the CodePega-List class.

Click Params to enter parameter values.

Access Group

SmartPromptSelect an access group that provides temporary access to the rulesets and versions needed to access the load activity, report definition, data transform, or connector. This field appears only when the Page Scope is set to Node.

The requestor that executes uses this access group only during execution of the activity, report definition, data transform or connector. Rulesets made available by this access group may not be available to the requestor at other times.

Each data source listing includes a check box labeled Simulate Data Source. This option helps developers who want to build out their data pages and the rest of the application, but might be blocked if the connectors to external data they will eventually use are not yet available or are only intended for production use.

When you select this check box for a data source, the system replaces the current data source with a blank row. You can then select an alternative data source to use during development--a Report Definition, a data transform, or a lookup. You cannot select another connector.

The details for the production data source are stored in the record data during simulation. When the normal data source becomes available uncheck the box to return to it or select it for use.

Post Load Processing

If you need to process the data after it loads--perhaps to check for errors in the load, or to load additional data pages based on the data received--you can automatically call an activity to process the loaded data. 

Use the down-arrow or type part of the name of the activity you want to use in the field provided, then select the activity from the SmartPrompt display. Click the magnifying-glass icon to create a new Activity to use to process the loaded data.

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