Section form
Completing the Settings tab

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This tab contains optional settings if you are configuring a section as a dashboard template or a dashboard widget.

Note: The default section type option is Standard and does not apply any dashboard configuration settings.

Setting up a dashboard in a portal

A dashboard is a piece of the user interface that contains one or more widgets grouped into slots that are arranged within a template. From the Settings tab, you can configure any section to be used as a template or widget inside a personalized dashboard.

The Personalize dashboard button is visible to users who pass the conditions available in the when rule pxIsUserDashboardPersonalizeAllowed.

Enabling dashboard personalization for a portal

You can use a dynamic container based on sections, so you do not need a harness to use the dashboard.

  1. Check out the DashboardPortal harness and place the pxUserDashboard section into the harness.
  2. Open the pyCaseManagerLinks Navigation rule and select Check out to edit the rule.
  3. Select the dashboard harness you wish to configure from the page list.
  4. From the Actions tab, complete the following steps:
    1. Enter the harness name that includes pxUserDashboard in the Harness field.
    2. Make sure the Read Only radio button is set to No.
    3. In the Data Transform field, enter pxUserDashboardPrepareDisplay to call a data transform.
    4. Enter a value in the UserDashboardCategory field to assign a dashboard to a category.
    5. In the UserDashboardLabel field, enter a title for the dashboard.
  5. Click OK to close the modal dialog and then click Save before checking in the rule.

Creating dashboard templates and widgets

Section type

From the Settings tab of a section form, you can select one of the following section types:

Dashboard template

This type uses templates for personalization of dashboards. A template is a section that has been marked as a dashboard template and can have any name and be defined in any class.

Note: To include slots in a template, include the section pxUserDashboardSlot using the embedded page .pxUserDashboard.pySlots(x), where x represents the slot number.

When a user switches from a template with more slots to a template with fewer slots at runtime, the additional slots will be moved to the last slot possible in the new template. When switching back to the original template, the additional slots will not have any gadgets contained within them.

Template data is stored as a record of System-User-Dashboard, which can be recalled later when you wish to view the dashboard again.

Users can select one of several pre-configured templates from within the portal and then populate the template's slots using a collection of default widgets.



Template title

Enter a title for your dashboard template.

Template icon

Optional. Click () to open the Image Catalog (a pop-up version of the Image Library landing page). Select the image file you wish to use. Recommended icon size is 100 x 100 px.

Dashboard widget

This type uses widgets for personalization and to define the run time widget configuration options of a widget.

You can classify any section, so you are not restricted to maintaining all widgets in one class. A set of configurable options can be associated to a widget using a flow action and you can define default templates with pre-configured widgets.



Widget title Enter a title for your dashboard widget.
Widget description Enter a description of your widget to display.
Category Select a category for your widget.
Widget icon

Click () to open the Image Catalog (a pop-up version of the Image Library landing page). Select the image file you wish to use. Recommended icon size is 50 x 50 px.

Flow action class

Select a class value for this widget to define the flow action to be used as the property panel UI for the widget.

Or click magnifying glass to create a new flow action class.

Flow action name

Select a name value for this widget.

Or click magnifying glass to create a new flow action name.

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