Report Definitions
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The Report Editor displays the report you selected, or the new report you created, and provides an array of tools and resources to help you edit it.
The Report Editor displays, at the top of the screen, the title of the report and when it is being run. There is also a search box that lets you quickly find specific text within the report. Click the search icon repeatedly to move from instance to instance of the search string in the report.
The Data Explorer panel on the left of the screen provides a quick way to find a property or calculation to include as a column in the report, or to use in defining a filter condition.
Enter a value in the search box at the top of the Data Explorer and click the magnifying glass to limit the display in the current tab to only properties whose name or label match the search string you entered. Click the X to clear the search box and display all properties.
Note: the search field only searches top-level (not embedded) properties.
The Data Explorer includes three tabs:
Best Bets
The Best Bets tab displays the properties that you are most likely to use in your report, organized in a tree structure. Expand any subfolders (representing page lists and other embedded properties) to see more properties. Click More at the bottom of the list to display more properties that do not belong to the class your report applies to or that class's parents. Note: using a property from another class requires creating a "join" between the classes. The Report Editor does this in the background for you.
To add a property to the report, click and drag the property name before or after any of the existing column names on the report, and release the mouse button.
- Properties can be secured with a privilege using property security rules. The Report Editor displays secured rules in the Data Explorer but does not visually distinguish them. If a user lacking the privilege to access the property drags a secured rule into the report, the system disallows the operation and displays an error message.
- You can manually specify the set of properties you wish users to see in the Data Explorer. See the PDN article Customize the lists of properties and calculations available in the Report Editor.
- If you have added properties to the Scratch Pad through the Live UI tool, the properties appear for the duration of the current session at the top of the tab in the Data Explorer. You can add the properties as columns in reports on the class to which the property belongs; if the property does not belong to the same class as the current report, a red x appears beside the property and you cannot use it to create a report column.
- If the parent page of the property matches an association or a class join, the Data Explorer displays an entry for that association or join in the scratch pad, with the property as a child of that entry.
All Matches
The All Matches tab displays all the properties available for use in your report, organized in a tree structure. Navigate the tree and add a property to populate a column in the report as described above.
Note: If a set of properties is manually specified, as described above, the All Matches tab does not display.
The Calculations tab allows you to select a SQL function and identify one or more properties for it to work with. The result of the calculation can populate a column in the report.
Double-click a calculation to use it to populate a column in the report, or right-click the calculation name and choose the "Add" option. The SQL Calculation Builder appears, in which you can specify the input for the function you have selected. See Using the Calculation Builder.
The toolbar that appears at the top of the right panel of the Report Editor lists command links that let you make changes to the report and save your changes. The commands include:
Control |
Description |
Summarize |
Click to display the Summarize form. The form displays all columns in the report, and lets you specify sorting information and a summarization function for each column. Available functions are:
Check the Expand all group sections by default check box to display all group sections fully expanded when the report initially appears in the Report Viewer. Otherwise, only the Overall Total group heading and the group headings for the first Group By column appear when the report first displays. Check the Do not display group headings check box to suppress all group headings in a summarized report. With this option selected, no subtotals, subaverages, or similar values, appear on the report: the report appears in a “spreadsheet-style” display in which the values for each Group By column are repeated on each row. When this option is chosen, results can be sorted using any combination of columns desired. When this option is not chosen, sorting options are limited, since displaying group headings requires that the results be sorted first by the Group By columns, in their group order, to keep detailed rows in the correct group section. When you apply these changes to a list report, you convert it to a summarized report. |
Sort |
The sort option appears when you are working with a list report. Click it to display the Sort and Group form. In the top part of the form, for each column use the drop-down list to indicate whether results should be sorted by the values in the column and, if so, whether to sort the values from highest to lowest or from lowest to highest. If you are sorting by values in more than one column, click the drag icon at the far left of the row and drag the column up or down in the list to change the order in which columns will be used to sort the results. Check the Remove Duplicate Rows check box to eliminate rows in a list report that have the same values in all columns as an earlier row in the report.
As an example, if you want a report that shows the three most-recently-entered cases for each customer: sort the results by customer, check Group results to group the results by customer, and, in the Top/Bottom Rank section, enter: Display Top Ranked 3 Rows For each group based on .pxCreateDateTime Click Apply Changes to apply your changes, or Cancel to abandon your changes and close the form. |
Title |
Click to display the Change Report Title form. Enter the new title, then click OK to change the title. Click Cancel to close the form without changing the title. |
List |
Click to convert a summarized report to list report. |
Actual Data / Simulated Data |
Click to change the data shown in the Report Editor to simulated data instead of actual data, and vice versa. Designing a report with simulated data is useful when working in a development environment with no or very little data. It is also useful when a report query is very expensive and you do not want to re-retrieve the data for display each time a change is made in the Report Editor. This will make editing faster. |
To add a chart to a summary report, click Add Chart near the top of the window. If the report already includes a chart, click Edit Chart to update it. See Working with the Chart Editor.
Click Save to apply the changes you have made, exit the Report Editor, and return to the Report Viewer. Click Preview to preview the report in a separate window.
A series of Hints appear just below the toolbar to provide context-specific help as you select commands from the toolbar. You can also click the Next hint and Previous hint links to let the Hints section guide you through the actions needed to create or modify the type of report you are editing.
You do not need to have the hints visible to edit a report. Close the Hints section by clicking its X control.
Filter conditions restrict which rows of data are included in a report ("only orders from these customers", "only open cases", etc.). Filter conditions appear at the top of the report, below the toolbar. However, filter conditions that do not appear on the report can be defined in the rule form . You can add new filter conditions in the Report Editor and the Report Definition rule form.
The developer can choose to let the report user:
To add a filter condition to the report, click and drag a property name or calculation from the Data Explorer panel onto the Drop Column to Add Filter drop area, and release the mouse button. Then follow the instructions below for editing the new filter condition.
Filter conditions that you can edit appear as hyperlinks. Click a filter link to see the Edit filter form. This form shows the following information and options for the selected filter:
Click Apply to accept your changes, or click Cancel to close the form without changing the filter condition.
To move a column to a different place in the report, click and hold on the column header, drag it to the location you prefer, and release the mouse button.
Right-click any column header to edit, reformat, or delete that column. The command available vary depending on whether you are working with a list report or summarized report.
Option | Description |
Heading... |
Click to display the Heading form, and enter the desired column changes. Click Apply Changes to apply your changes, or Cancel to close the form and leave the column heading unchanged. |
Format... |
Click to display the Format form, then select a valid format for the data values in the column. Some formats permit or require parameters: specify parameters by clicking the icon next to the AutoComplete box. Click Apply Changes to apply your changes, or Cancel to close the form and leave the format unchanged. |
Width... |
click to display the Width form, then enter the desired column width as a numeric value followed by a selected unit (pixels, or as a percentage of overall report width). Click Apply Changes to apply your changes, or Cancel to close the form and leave the column width unchanged. |
Delete |
Click to delete the current column. Note: if you delete a group-by column, any chart included in the report is deleted. If the report has only one column, you cannot delete it. |
Sort | Click to resort the rows of the report based on just the values of this column, then select whether to sort values from lowest to highest or highest to lowest. |
Summarize this column... |
Click to display the Summarize column form, which changes a list report to a summarized report that displays row counts grouped by the values in this and any other columns of the report that are selected on the form. Check the Expand all group sections by default check box to display all group sections full expanded when the report initially appears in the Report Viewer. If this is not selected, only the Overall Total group heading and the group headings for the first Group By column display when the report first appears. Check the Do not display group headings check box to suppress all group headings in a summarized report. When this is selected, no subtotals, sub-averages, or similar values appear in the report; the report displays in "spreadsheet style", with the values for each Group By column repeated on each row. When this option is selected, you can sort results using any combination of columns. If it is not selected, sorting options are limited since displaying group headings requires that the results be sorted first by the Group By columns, in their group order, to keep detailed rows in the correct group section. Click OK to apply your changes, or Cancel to close the form without making any changes. |
Display Values Across Column / Display Values Vertically |
Available for summarized reports only. When the data values for a column display vertically within a single column, click Display Values Across Columns to display the column's values horizontally. This creates a pivot table. When the data values for a column display horizontally across columns, click Display Values Vertically to display the column's values vertically within a single column. |
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Report Definitions — Working with the Chart Editor
Report Definition form — Completing the Chart Definition dialog Using the Report Browser |