Summary View form
This tab is optional. You can allow the summary view report user to drill down from summary statistics to the supporting detail by clicking a plus sign icon. When a user clicks a plus sign to perform the drill-down operation, PRPC uses information in this tab to query the database, sort the results, and present the details.
Define on this tab the fields in each detail or drill-down row.
In contrast to the properties listed on the Content tab, these properties are not limited to those that are exposed as database columns, and may be top-level or embedded properties. However, for best performance, use only top-level properties.
Columns appear in the order listed. Sorting occurs in the order listed.
Field |
Description |
Type |
Select a view type to display when the user drills down on a row in the report. You can drill down to another report or chart from the selected row.
Configure... |
If you selected Complete this window to configure a drill-down from one summary view to another from a row in the summary view, from one interactive chart to another, or from a summary view or interactive chart to a list view (Only interactive charts, not image charts, can be the source or target.).
No data set is passed to the target list view or summary view, only parameters:
Click Apply to save your changes. For an example of this feature, see the PDN article How to drill down to a list view from a summary view report. |
Complete these fields when you select Detailed View
for the Drilldown To value.
Field |
Description |
Field |
Caption |
Optional. Enter text for a caption for the value in the Field field. If your application is to support users in multiple locales, choose a noun or noun phrase for the caption of 64 characters or less and select the Localize? check box on the HTML tab. When practical, choose a caption already included in a language pack, to simplify localization. Click |
Sort |
Select |
Format |
Images and LinksTwo controls are useful here:
parameters to reporting_image and reporting_link include an activity that executes upon click. Typically, this activity executes an HTML rule, displayed in a new window. For an example, see PDN article How to include an image or link as a report column. |
Export format |
Click ( |
Hide |
Select to retrieve this column in the drill-down detail, but to present it in a hidden field in the HTML display. |
These fields are optional when you select Detailed View
for the DrillDown To value.
Field |
Description |
Page name |
Enter a clipboard page name to contain the report contents. (You can't use |
Content activity |
The activity name must be getContent (the default value) or drill-down is disabled. |
Data source of drill down view | Optional. Select the data source for the drill-down display. |
Key of a row |
Identify a property that is present in every row of the drill-down display and uniquely identifies the row. Enter pzInsKey (identifying the handle of an instance) in most cases, where Data Source field is blank or identifies an internal class. If the Data Source identifies an external class, enter the property that forms the key of a row. (A custom GetContent activity must copy this property to the pxInsHandle property in each page within the pxResults list.) |
Get row key |
Select to have the report display the key field for each row. |
Get distinct records |
Select to eliminate duplicate records in the view. |
Maximum number of rows to retrieve |
Optional. Enter a maximum number of instances to retrieve for the report contents. As a best practice during testing, enter 500. If you leave this blank, the system enforces a limit of 9,999. |
Field |
Description |
Enable sorting? | Select to allow the user to sort report values by clicking on column headers. |
Fixed header? |
Select to prevent the header from scrolling if a user scrolls the drill down listing. |