Portal form
Completing the Tabs tab

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caution This information is only relevant to traditional portals. Traditional portals have either the Fixed type (when the portal has the User role) or the Classic type (for the Version 4.2 legacy standard development portal) specified on the Skins tab.

Complete the Tabs tab after the Custom tab. Use this array to define:

Order is significant in this array. This tab is not visible when you choose Developer for the Role field or choose Composite for the Type field on the Skins tab. B-20062???

TipThis tab is wide. To display more of the content, click the collapse arrow (Collapse) in the portal to temporarily hide the navigation panel. When you finish working with this tab, click the expand arrow (Expand) to display the navigation panel again.



red triangle

add rowClick the triangle to access two arrays that define the contents and location of the gadgets on the corresponding workspace. Click the down-pointing arrow Red triangleto hide these arrays.


Enter a name that indicates the purpose of the bar, such as Work or Reports, using only letters. B-14251 This field, known as the space name, is an internal label and does not appear in the portal. R-9026 The space names Work, Rules, and Tools are reserved and create specific capabilities. B-20062???


Enter a title that appears in the bar. For example, enter "Administer" to define a bar that appears as .

NoteIf your application is to support users in multiple locales, choose a noun or noun phrase for the title, and maintain a list of the titles. When practical, choose a title already included in a language pack, to simplify later localization. See About the Localization wizard.


Select one radio button in this column to control which bar and corresponding workspace appears open by default when a user first logs in.

Narrow Column

Complete the Narrow Column array to define the gadgets that appear on the navigation panel on the left side of the portal window. Order is significant. The first gadget appears topmost in the navigation panel.




SmartPrompt add rowEnter the second key part — Stream Name — of an HTML rule in the Data-Gadget class. (Click(magnifying glass) to open this rule.)

Alternatively, enter the second key part — Activity Name — of an activity that implements a custom gadget. This activity must be entered in the Custom tab of this rule.

For an example, see PDN article How to add a chart to the WorkManager portal.

Gadget Title

Optional. Enter a text phrase that is to identify this gadget as presented in the portal. You can enter an equals sign and an expression here, such as

=" Your node is "+ pxProcess.pxSystemNode

NoteIf your application is to support users in multiple locales, choose a noun or noun phrase for the title, and maintain a list of the titles. When practical, choose a title already included in a language pack, to simplify later localization. See About the Localization wizard.

Gadget Image

Optional. Identify the (relative) path and name of a GIF file that is to identify this gadget in the portal. Form this from the second and third key part of a binary file rule.

For example, enter /images/rpcalendar.gif to select the image defined by the binary file rule named webwb.rpcalendar.gif.

Click () to start the Image Catalog tool (a pop-up version of the Image Library landing page) to select an image.


Select to indicate that the value in the Gadget column is an activity name, not an HTML rule name. On the Custom tab of this rule form, enter parameter values for each such activity.

Wide Column

Complete the Wide Column array to define the gadgets that appear in the workspace, in the right portion of the portal window. Order is significant. The first gadget appears topmost in the workspace.

Complete the Wide Column fields following the instructions above for the Narrow Column fields, plus these check boxes. The second and third boxes listed below appear in each row.



Refresh on Application change

Select to cause the system to refresh the contents of this area when this workspace is visible and a user accesses the work pool selector in the navigation area to choose a new work pool.


Select to cause the display of this gadget to appear in expanded form when the workspace is first presented.

For example, when not expanded, a gadget may appears as:

The expanded form shows the contents of the gadget:


Select to cause the HTML code for this gadget to be generated and sent to a user's browser session only when the gadget is explicitly opened by a user click. This choice reduces the initial computation and HTTP message length when this workspace is initially presented. B-20356 SR-3574

This field is available only when Expanded? is not selected. C-2074 CHENK

Support of Right-To-Left Locales

Advanced featureIn most cases, facilities you define in the Narrow Column fields appear at runtime on the left, and the Wide Column facilities appear on the right. However, this presentation can be reversed if a skin rule associated with this portal rule specifies a right-to-left CSS style sheet. This capability supports correct presentation of right-to-left languages such as Hebrew. (The skin rule affects the layout only, not the language or text.)

Enhancing the Monitor Activities workspace

By convention, a section of this tab with the Name value Reports controls the order and contents of the Monitor Activity workspace in the WorkManager portal.

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