Skin form - CSS tab |
Use this tab to add additional style sheets to the skin. You can also enable and disable automatic generation of the workform css on this tab.
As a best practice, avoid adding custom style sheets to your skin. If you are currently using a custom style sheet:
If you choose to add a custom style sheet to the skin:
The order in which you enter style sheets is significant; the bottom style sheet is applied last. Select the number beside the file name and drag and drop to re-order additional sheet sheets.
To delete a style sheet from a skin, select the style sheet that you want to delete and click .
You can enable and disable automatic generation of the workform css.
Beginning with 7.1, you can no longer create a non auto-generated skin. Update non auto-generated skins to auto-generated skins.
Work |
Displays the name of the If you want to apply a different skin to a harness within your application, enable automatic CSS file generation and paste the