Service SOAP form
Complete the Service tab to identify the activity that this Service SOAP rule calls. See More about Service Packages.
Field |
Description |
Primary Page | |
Page Class |
Data Transform |
Page Name |
Enter a page name for the class specified in the Page Class field. This is the top-level clipboard page that PRPC uses as the primary page by the activity being called through the SOAP service. The activity property values may be written to or read from this page. Enter any page name, or accept the default value MyServicePage. (This page name has no special characteristics.) |
Service Activity | |
Activity Name |
The system uses the value you enter in the Page Class field as the Applies To key part of the activity. The system creates a page with the name provided in the Page Name field and passes it to the activity as the primary page. If the Page Name field is blank, the system passes the activity an unnamed page. You can use the Params button to provide constant values for the parameters of the service activity, in case not all values are being mapped from the inbound service request data. For example, if a parameter value is the same for every service request, you can set that parameter's value here rather than requiring a client application to supply it in each request. If a service activity starts a flow for a work item and the organization is always the same, you can specify the name of the organization on this tab.
Style and Use |
Style and Use |
Processing Options |
Enable MTOM? |
Select to apply the W3C Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism formatting to binary data in SOAP messages. Selected by default as the recommended format. |
End requestor when done? |
Select to have the system end this requestor session when the activity completes. This check box affects only stateful processing. This check box is ignored when the Processing Mode on the service package data instance is set to |
Method is read-only |
Leave cleared in most cases. Select to indicate that each use of this service is not to count as a service invocation under the terms of your license agreement. See Working with the License Compliance facility. |
Execution Mode |
There are four options, two each for synchronous and asynchronous (queue for execution) modes. Each pair has an option for using Request/Response, and a "one way" option for sending the service call and only receiving the HTTP Response status code (i.e., 2xx). Synchronous -- Select one of these options when you want the service to run the request immediately:
Asynchronous -- Select one of these options when you want the service to queue the request. Choose one of these options only if a Service Request Processor data instance (Data-Admin-RequestProcessor-Service class) exists with a key that matches the Service Package key part of this service rule:
When a queued service request executes, the execution is performed with the authorization profile of the service. For instructions and an example, see PDN articles How asynchronous service processing works and Configure a service to process requests asynchronously. |
Request Processor |
Integration Viewer |
After you save this form, click to view a tree of the components that comprise the service package. See About the Integration viewer. |