You are here: Designer Studio > Expressions > Building expressions with the Expression Builder

Building expressions with the Expression Builder

Use the Expression Builder to locate functions and complete parameters to functions in a natural language format when building expressions. The Expression Builder opens from all places except When condition in the Steps tab in the Activity form .

  1. Build the expression by doing one of the following:
  2. Optional. Search for a property in your current page or for a non-internal function by entering all or part of the text for which you want to search in the search field and either click or press Enter. Search results appear in the pane, which you can drag into the text area.
  3. Supply an argument value for functions that require arguments in the text editor.
  4. Click Validate to check the syntax of the expression (this does not check whether properties you reference in the expression are defined.) or click Cancel to close the form and return to the previous form without changes.
  5. Click Reset to discard any modifications made to an expression since the Expression Builder was last opened.

  6. Click Submit.

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